
Defined in Module, inherits from ig.Class


// Create a map
var data = [
var map = new ig.Map( 16, data );

// 40, 20 are the pixel coordinates for the tile to set
// So this essentially does data[2][1] = 8;
map.setTile( 40, 20, 8 );

// Gets the same tile we just set, even though the 
// pixel coordinates are not the exact same
var tile = map.getTile( 46, 18 ); 
tile; // => 8


ig.Map is the base class for ig.BackgroundMap and ig.CollisionMap. It only provides basic access to the tiles in the map data.

You usually won&039;t need to create instances of an #ig.Map.


new ig.Map( tilesize, data )



The 2D data array for this map, as set through the constructor.


The width and height of a single tile in pixels, as set through the constructor.

.pxWidth, .pxHeight

New in 1.23

The width and height of the map in pixels.

.width, .height

The width and height of the map in tiles.


.getTile( x, y )

Get the tile at the pixel coordinates x, y. Returns 0 if the coordinates lie outside of this map.

.setTile( x, y, tile)

Set the tile at the pixel coordinates x, y to the given tile. Does nothing if the coordinates lie outside of this map.