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1 decade ago by MobileMark

Is there a way to change the animSheet to another png of an entity after the entity has been loaded? I have some code that changes the picture referenced in the animSheet but the character doesn't update since I assume the beginning variables are only hit when the entity was made. Is there a way around this other than putting all animation graphics into one png?

1 decade ago by fugufish

what do you have in mind for your entity?

if you're making a shooter game with the player carrying different weapons, I suggest using different entities. (eg: entity1 holds shotgun animations, entity2 holds machinegun anims ). Helps in organizing your code too.

1 decade ago by MobileMark

I tried the spawn new entity technique and got it to partially work. On mobile you can see a slight glitch so I was hoping to be able to just change the animSheet but I think the answer is you simply can't after the Entity is made :/

1 decade ago by dominic

Just specify some of your anims with a different animation sheet. The .animSheet property for entities is just there for convenience so you can use this.addAnim instead of using the ig.Animation constructor.

E.g. in your entity's init():
init: function( x, y, settings ) {
	this.parent( x, y, settings );
	var sheet1 = new ig.AnimationSheet( 'sheet1.png', 16, 16 );
	this.anims.animWithSheet1 = new ig.Animation( sheet1, 0.1, [0,1,2,3,2,1] );
	var sheet2 = new ig.AnimationSheet( 'sheet2.png', 32, 64 );
	this.anims.animWithSheet2 = new ig.Animation( sheet2, 0.2, [0,1,2] );

You can also overwrite an existing animation in the this.anims object at any time.

1 decade ago by MobileMark

Thanks Dominic , works beautifully. May want to consider changing your name to the Wiz... just saying :p

1 decade ago by 80bit

Quote from dominic

You can also overwrite an existing animation in the this.anims object at any time.

Where would this overwriting take place? Sorry for my ignorance. :) Still learning!
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