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1 decade ago by MoniGarr


Error: in google chrome js console >
Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type text/html.

The impact index.html works the way it should and shows the message 'It Works'.
All of my other NON impact files ( html, php, ) still work as they should.

I've fiddled with apache httpd.conf file and made sure the following was included:
AddType image/gif .gif
AddType image/jpeg .jpeg .jpg
AddType image/png .png

I've turned off firewall and verified file / directory permissions were not stopping anything.

What else can I try to get the weltmeister.html working correctly?

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

I using the standard install of XAMPP for windows.

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

the error message happens when I click ADD LAYER on weltmeister.html

1 decade ago by dominic

It's a warning, not an error :)

I will fix it in the next release. You can safely ignore it for now as It shouldn't affect Weltmeister in any way. Thanks for letting me know!

The warning is thrown, because there&039;s not yet a valid path to a tileset for the new layer when you create it. I.e. instead of something like #"media/tiles.png" Weltmeister tries to load "" (an empty string), which results in a HTTP request to weltmeister.html itself again - which is not an image.

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

I can't use weltmeister with that warning because weltmeister does not show any content.

1 decade ago by dominic

Huh? What do you mean with "does not show any content"? If you start Weltmeister, it's supposed to present you with an empty Level. There shouldn't be any "content".

Get the Jump&039;n'Run demo from you download page and load the #weltmeister.html from it's directory. You should then be able to load the level that comes with it (the "Load" button in the upper right corner).

If you still have problems, could you maybe provide a screenshot of Weltmeister to make things clearer?

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

I've watched the tutorial videos. The warning message makes it impossible to do anything from the tutorials to build a game.

1 decade ago by dominic

As I said, this particular warning message shouldn't prevent Weltmeister from working correctly. This message appears in the console in my Chrome too, but Weltmeister is working fine.

Please try to be more precise. Is there any other error message? Which step exactly is it that you can't follow in the editor?

And maybe there's a huge misunderstanding when you say "build a game" - Weltmeister is a Level Editor. For game levels. You can't create games with it. Just levels :)

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

this is exactly what happens when I try to use weltmeister and do what your video tutorials show:

I go to url: http://localhost/impact/weltmeister.html

I click add layer. the warning appears.

I am NOT able to add anything using weltmeister. When I right click I can move around. When I press spacebar or left click, nothing is added.

You said weltmeister is adding an empty string but it should be adding the media/tiles.png with the TileSet dropdown. That makes it impossible for me to use weltmeister the way your video tutorials are showing it can be used.

1 decade ago by MikeL

I'm not at my computer right now, but as I recall if you are starting a game with the impact folder and contents as your directory, there are no graphics in the media folder. If you want to follow along with the pong tutorial, then you need to copy the images from the pong media folder and place them into your new game's media folder.

1 decade ago by stiggz

Yup, MikeL is right- you'll need to do this step first, also if you've changed any of the .js files, they need to be named and started with the boilerplate EntityYourEntity = new ig.Entity.extend or weltmeister will not load properly. It pretty much scans your lib and media directories before loading so it can cache the objects.

1 decade ago by stiggz

also, http://localhost/impact/weltmeister.html will not work, copy the jumpnrun to http://localhost/impact/jumpnrun for example, and you can edit it's levels at http://localhost/impact/jumpnrun/weltmeister.html , to make your own game, copy the jumpnrun directory, rename it to yourgame, the surf to http://localhost/impact/yourgame/weltmeister.html , now it should run fine and you can start taking entities from other projects or make your own.

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

MikeL and stiggz: I have media files in the media folder. I can see them in the dropdown list of weltmeister.html

When I click to add them to my level, of course they do not show anything because of the reasons that Dominic mentioned regarding the 'warning' message.

I'll try your suggestions stiggz and hopefully I can get it working over here. I really want to use impactjs to create something interesting :)

1 decade ago by MikeL

Not sure if it makes a difference but what browser version are you using? I've gotten impactjs to work with both
Chrome 8.0.552.237
Firefox 3.6.13.

I'm using both successfully on Windows XP right now.

1 decade ago by MoniGarr

My left click button was not working correctly on the computer I was using.

I changed computers and now its all working with Firefox and Chrome.
I don't use IE.

Thanks everyone for helping me to figure this out, I appreciate your time!

1 decade ago by skel1

I'm experiencing this same error. I can't seem to get the Editor to load or display resources for me.

I'm running ubuntu with the latest stable builds of both chrome and firefox. When I try to use a demo file (pong for example), the game works, but there are no resources in the editor even after adding them from the /media directory.

Has this ever come up since?


1 decade ago by skel1

I added

AddType image/png png

and it got rid of the error. I was just being a newb and figured out what I was doing wrong. You have to hit the Space key to get to the images. The video tutorial went so fast I kept missing that part. Finally I had a look at lib/weltmeister/config.js and found all of the keyboard bindings.

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