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10 years ago by keanudicap


I bought ImpactJS and try to start Weltmeister following book <Introducing HTML5 Game Development>. By using XAMPP, I tested http://localhost/residentraver, and it works, while I tested http://localhost/residentraver/weltmeister.html, I can see bottoms written Save, Save as ... and plus icon, but by clicking, nothing happened.

The console errors using chrome are as follows:

Uncaught Failed to load entity list via glob.php: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Configuration" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Script.Serialization" %>

<script runat="server">
//___________________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE MEMBERS
private string _appRootURL = string.Empty;
private string _appRootPath = string.Empty;

//______________________________________________________________________ PROTECTED PROPERTIES
/// <summary>
/// The root of the application in web/URL form.
/// </summary>
protected string AppRootURL
if (_appRootURL.Equals(string.Empty))
_appRootURL = Request.ApplicationPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fileRoot"];
if (_appRootURL[_appRootURL.Length - 1] != '/')
_appRootURL += "/";

return _appRootURL;

/// <summary>
/// The root of the application in filesystem/path form.
/// </summary>
protected string AppRootPath
if (_appRootPath.Equals(string.Empty))
_appRootPath = Server.MapPath(this.AppRootURL);

return _appRootPath;

//____________________________________________________________________________ EVENT HANDLERS
/// <summary>
/// Code that needs to run as the page is loading.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The object that triggered this event.</param>
/// <param name="e">Any arguments passed to the event.</param>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string urlPath = this.AppRootURL;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["dir"]))
urlPath += Request["dir"].Replace("..", "");

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["glob"]))
urlPath += Request["glob"].Substring(0, Request["glob"].LastIndexOf('/'));

string dir = Server.MapPath(urlPath);
string pattern = Request["glob"].Substring(Request["glob"].LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, pattern);
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
files[i] = files[i].Substring(this.AppRootPath.Length).Replace("\\", "/"); ;

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
</script> entities.js:50

Uncaught Unresolved (circular?) dependencies. Most likely there's a name/path mismatch for one of the listed modules:
weltmeister.weltmeister (requires: weltmeister.edit-entities)
weltmeister.edit-entities (requires: weltmeister.entities) impact.js:288

I searched forum for solutions, testing php using <?php phpinfo(); ?> written in info.php. I can see the version of php, but I don't know whether php is working. And I tried to upgrade php in xampp manually, but failed.

I have no idea what is wrong. Hope you guys can give me an reply.

10 years ago by stahlmanDesign

I use MAMP (on a Mac) and it requires the port number after localhost, like this:

10 years ago by keanudicap

Yes, using mac need to put 8888 behind, but I am using win 8, this should not be the problem

10 years ago by Joncom

Are you sure your server has PHP?

Create a file called phpinfo.php and give it the following content:


Then try viewing the file in your browser. If you get another error, you probably don't have PHP installed.

10 years ago by keanudicap

Yup. As I said, I used this trick. I can see the version of PHP and other information. How can I make sure PHP is working?

10 years ago by Joncom

If you can see the version of PHP via that file, then PHP is working.

10 years ago by Joncom

If you could upload your example as a zip somewhere like it would be easier for people help you - just be sure to exclude the /lib/impact folder.

10 years ago by keanudicap

I don't have any work folder or example. I am just testing Weltmeister in ImpactJS.

10 years ago by Joncom

You're saying that the contents of the http://localhost/residentraver folder contain only the unmodified Impact library and nothing else?

10 years ago by keanudicap

Yes, I added some images in folder media and want to load these images using weltmeister.

10 years ago by Joncom

Please zip up your entire project folder and upload it to
Make sure you exclude the lib/impact/ folder though.
Then share the file here so we can take a look.

10 years ago by keanudicap

OK, the link is below:

10 years ago by Joncom

The files in lib/weltmeister appear to be outdated.
I was able to fix the issue by using the latest Impact files instead.
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