I've currently got my stage set so that the an entity gets drawn to a specific x,y coordinate, and the entire world repositions to frame it (like a camera); static images work great witht his, but now that I've switched my charecter to this method it disapears once it goes off what would have been the original stage boundaries, I assume this is to keep fps nice and smooth... but it means my charecter just blip dissapears.... any clues on how to override, change this?

Ahhh, nevermind; got a fix worked out now:

I just changed:
	draw: function( targetX, targetY,) {
		var bbsize = Math.max(this.sheet.width, this.sheet.height);
		// On screen?
		   targetX > ig.system.width || targetY > ig.system.height ||
		   targetX + bbsize < 0 || targetY + bbsize < 0
		) {

	draw: function( targetX, targetY, alwaysDraw ) {
		var bbsize = Math.max(this.sheet.width, this.sheet.height);
		// On screen?
		   (targetX > ig.system.width || targetY > ig.system.height ||
		   targetX + bbsize < 0 || targetY + bbsize < 0)  && !alwaysDraw
		) {