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1 decade ago by StuartTresadern

Hi, I am currently using a FSM to control entity and game state. How do I turn this into a plugin ?.

This is the FSM I am using :

Thanks Stuart

1 decade ago by drailing

Hi Stuart,

here you have the core synopsis for a plugin like the other classes in Dominics documentation:

).defines(function() {

	ig.PLUGINNAME= ig.Class.extend({
		yourAttributes: "nice!",
		init: function(){
			// constructor
		yourFunctions: function(){



if im correct, you can just copy the statemachine code in the class extend obj param like:

).defines(function() {

	ig.PLUGINNAME= ig.Class.extend({


    // VERSION: "2.1.0",


    Result: {
      SUCCEEDED:    1, // the event transitioned successfully from one state to another
      NOTRANSITION: 2, // the event was successfull but no state transition was necessary
      CANCELLED:    3, // the event was cancelled by the caller in a beforeEvent callback
      ASYNC:        4, // the event is asynchronous and the caller is in control of when the transition occurs

    Error: {
      INVALID_TRANSITION: 100, // caller tried to fire an event that was innapropriate in the current state
      PENDING_TRANSITION: 200, // caller tried to fire an event while an async transition was still pending
      INVALID_CALLBACK:   300, // caller provided callback function threw an exception

    WILDCARD: '*',	

[... here the rest ....]


1 decade ago by StuartTresadern

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I used the sample code you supplied and created some sample plugins just to make sure I could get them working but when I attempt to use it with fsm code I can not get the plugin to work. Any idea why ?

thanks again Stuart

1 decade ago by drailing

if you post any console error/output... perhaps.
but not with the message "it doesnt work" :-)

1 decade ago by StuartTresadern


It seems its more down to me to understand the javascript used in the StateMachine. I attempted to create the plugin but the console reports that the statemachine does not have a create function when i call it. Im pretty new to Javascript but I think its somthing to do with the StateMachine not having a constructor. Currently when I create the StateMachine I call

var fsm = StateMachine.create(....);

(it does not use new StateMachine)

More about the state machine can be found here if anyone else is interested

Thanks again for your help with the core synopsis for the plugin, its helped me get 3 other plugins working.


1 decade ago by drailing


i just copied the code and added an init function - NOT TESTED

instantiate it with
fsm: new StateMachine(param1, param2);

).defines(function() {

    ig.StateMachine= ig.Class.extend({


		VERSION: "2.1.0",


		Result: {
		  SUCCEEDED: 1, // the event transitioned successfully from one state to another
		  NOTRANSITION: 2, // the event was successfull but no state transition was necessary
		  CANCELLED: 3, // the event was cancelled by the caller in a beforeEvent callback
		  ASYNC: 4, // the event is asynchronous and the caller is in control of when the transition occurs

		Error: {
		  INVALID_TRANSITION: 100, // caller tried to fire an event that was innapropriate in the current state
		  PENDING_TRANSITION: 200, // caller tried to fire an event while an async transition was still pending
		  INVALID_CALLBACK: 300, // caller provided callback function threw an exception

		WILDCARD: '*',
		ASYNC: 'async',

		init: function(cfg, target){
			this.create(cfg, target);
		create: function(cfg, target) {

		  var initial = (typeof cfg.initial == 'string') ? { state: cfg.initial } : cfg.initial; // allow for a simple string, or an object with { state: 'foo', event: 'setup', defer: true|false }
		  var fsm = target || || {};
		  var events = || [];
		  var callbacks = cfg.callbacks || {};
		  var map = {};

		  var add = function(e) {
			var from = (e.from instanceof Array) ? e.from : (e.from ? [e.from] : [StateMachine.WILDCARD]); // allow 'wildcard' transition if 'from' is not specified
			map[] = map[] || {};
			for (var n = 0 ; n < from.length ; n++)
			  map[][from[n]] = || from[n]; // allow no-op transition if 'to' is not specified

		  if (initial) {
			initial.event = initial.event || 'startup';
			add({ name: initial.event, from: 'none', to: initial.state });

		  for(var n = 0 ; n < events.length ; n++)

		  for(var name in map) {
			if (map.hasOwnProperty(name))
			  fsm[name] = StateMachine.buildEvent(name, map[name]);

		  for(var name in callbacks) {
			if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(name))
			  fsm[name] = callbacks[name]

		  fsm.current = 'none'; = function(state) { return this.current == state; };
		  fsm.can = function(event) { return !this.transition && (map[event].hasOwnProperty(this.current) || map[event].hasOwnProperty(StateMachine.WILDCARD)); }
		  fsm.cannot = function(event) { return !this.can(event); };
		  fsm.error = cfg.error || function(name, from, to, args, error, msg) { throw msg; }; // default behavior when something unexpected happens is to throw an exception, but caller can override this behavior if desired (see github issue #3)

		  if (initial && !initial.defer)

		  return fsm;



		doCallback: function(fsm, func, name, from, to, args) {
		  if (func) {
			try {
			  return func.apply(fsm, [name, from, to].concat(args));
			catch(e) {
			  return fsm.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.INVALID_CALLBACK, "an exception occurred in a caller-provided callback function");

		beforeEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onbefore' + name], name, from, to, args); },
		afterEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onafter' + name] || fsm['on' + name], name, from, to, args); },
		leaveState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onleave' + from], name, from, to, args); },
		enterState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onenter' + to] || fsm['on' + to], name, from, to, args); },
		changeState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) { return StateMachine.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onchangestate'], name, from, to, args); },

		buildEvent: function(name, map) {
		  return function() {

			var from = this.current;
			var to = map[from] || map[StateMachine.WILDCARD] || from;
			var args =; // turn arguments into pure array

			if (this.transition)
			  return this.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.PENDING_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate because previous transition did not complete");

			if (this.cannot(name))
			  return this.error(name, from, to, args, StateMachine.Error.INVALID_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate in current state " + this.current);

			if (false === StateMachine.beforeEvent(this, name, from, to, args))
			  return StateMachine.CANCELLED;

			if (from === to) {
			  StateMachine.afterEvent(this, name, from, to, args);
			  return StateMachine.NOTRANSITION;

			// prepare a transition method for use EITHER lower down, or by caller if they want an async transition (indicated by an ASYNC return value from leaveState)
			var fsm = this;
			this.transition = function() {
			  fsm.transition = null; // this method should only ever be called once
			  fsm.current = to;
			  StateMachine.enterState( fsm, name, from, to, args);
			  StateMachine.changeState(fsm, name, from, to, args);
			  StateMachine.afterEvent( fsm, name, from, to, args);

			var leave = StateMachine.leaveState(this, name, from, to, args);
			if (false === leave) {
			  this.transition = null;
			  return StateMachine.CANCELLED;
			else if ("async" === leave) {
			  return StateMachine.ASYNC;
			else {
			  if (this.transition)
				this.transition(); // in case user manually called transition() but forgot to return ASYNC
			  return StateMachine.SUCCEEDED;



1 decade ago by soybean


I'm new with Impact and was looking for a FSM solution. The code from drailing didn't quite work (yes, it wasn't tested) so I had some fixes.

Here's a working FSM port from jakesgordon's javascript-state-machine:

	ig.StateMachine = ig.Class.extend(
		fsm: {},
		init: function(cfg, target) 
			this.fsm = this.create(cfg, target);

		create: function(cfg, target) 
			var initial = (typeof cfg.initial == 'string') ? {
				state: cfg.initial
			}: cfg.initial;
			// allow for a simple string, or an object with { state: 'foo', event: 'setup', defer: true|false }
			var fsm = target || || {};
			var events = || [];
			var callbacks = cfg.callbacks || {};
			var map = {};

			var add = function(e) 
				var from = (e.from instanceof Array) ? e.from: (e.from ? [e.from] : [ig.StateMachine.WILDCARD]);
				// allow 'wildcard' transition if 'from' is not specified
				map[] = map[] || {};
				for (var n = 0; n < from.length; n++)
					map[][from[n]] = || from[n];
				// allow no-op transition if 'to' is not specified
			if (initial) 
				initial.event = initial.event || 'startup';
					name: initial.event,
					from: 'none',
					to: initial.state
			for (var n = 0; n < events.length; n++)
			for (var name in map) 
				if (map.hasOwnProperty(name))
					fsm[name] = this.buildEvent(name, map[name]);
					console.log("BUILT EVENT, name: " + name + ", fsm: " + JSON.stringify(fsm));
			for (var name in callbacks) 
				if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(name))
					fsm[name] = callbacks[name]
			fsm.current = 'none'; = function(state) 
				return this.current == state;
			fsm.can = function(event) 
				return ! this.transition && (map[event].hasOwnProperty(this.current) || map[event].hasOwnProperty(StateMachine.WILDCARD));
			fsm.cannot = function(event) 
				return ! this.can(event);
			fsm.error = cfg.error || function(name, from, to, args, error, msg) { throw msg; };
			// default behavior when something unexpected happens is to throw an exception, but caller can override this behavior if desired (see github issue #3)
			if (initial && !initial.defer)
			console.log("INITIAL: " + initial.event + ", fsm: " + JSON.stringify(fsm));
			return fsm;
		doCallback: function(fsm, func, name, from, to, args) 
			if (func) 
					console.log("DO CALLBACK, name: " + name + ", from: " + from + ", to: " + to + ", args: " + args);
					return func.apply(fsm, [name, from, to].concat(args));
					return fsm.error(name, from, to, args, ig.StateMachine.Error.INVALID_CALLBACK, "an exception occurred in a caller-provided callback function");

		beforeEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) 
			return this.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onbefore' + name], name, from, to, args);
		afterEvent: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) 
			return this.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onafter' + name] || fsm['on' + name], name, from, to, args);
		leaveState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) 
			return this.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onleave' + from], name, from, to, args);
		enterState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) 
			return this.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onenter' + to] || fsm['on' + to], name, from, to, args);
		changeState: function(fsm, name, from, to, args) 
			return this.doCallback(fsm, fsm['onchangestate'], name, from, to, args);

		buildEvent: function(name, map) 
			console.log("BUILDING EVENT, name: " + name + ", map: " + JSON.stringify(map));
			var self = this;
			return function() 
				var from = this.current;
				var to = map[from] || map[ig.StateMachine.WILDCARD] || from;
				var args =;
				// turn arguments into pure array
				if (this.transition)
					return this.error(name, from, to, args, ig.StateMachine.Error.PENDING_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate because previous transition did not complete");
				if (this.cannot(name))
					return this.error(name, from, to, args, ig.StateMachine.Error.INVALID_TRANSITION, "event " + name + " inappropriate in current state " + this.current);
				if (false === self.beforeEvent(this, name, from, to, args))
					return ig.StateMachine.Result.CANCELLED;
				if (from === to) 
					self.afterEvent(this, name, from, to, args);
					return ig.StateMachine.Result.NOTRANSITION;
				// prepare a transition method for use EITHER lower down, or by caller if they want an async transition (indicated by an ASYNC return value from leaveState)
				var fsm = this;
				this.transition = function() 
					fsm.transition = null;
					// this method should only ever be called once
					fsm.current = to;
					self.enterState(fsm, name, from, to, args);
					self.changeState(fsm, name, from, to, args);
					self.afterEvent(fsm, name, from, to, args);
				var leave = self.leaveState(this, name, from, to, args);
				if (false === leave) 
					this.transition = null;
					return ig.StateMachine.Result.CANCELLED;
				else if ("async" === leave) 
					return ig.StateMachine.ASYNC;
					if (this.transition)
					// in case user manually called transition() but forgot to return ASYNC
					return ig.StateMachine.Result.SUCCEEDED;
	ig.StateMachine.VERSION = "2.1.0";
	ig.StateMachine.Result = {
		// the event transitioned successfully from one state to another
		// the event was successfull but no state transition was necessary
		// the event was cancelled by the caller in a beforeEvent callback
		ASYNC: 4,
		// the event is asynchronous and the caller is in control of when the transition occurs
	ig.StateMachine.Error = {
		// caller tried to fire an event that was innapropriate in the current state
		// caller tried to fire an event while an async transition was still pending
		// caller provided callback function threw an exception
	ig.StateMachine.WILDCARD = '*';
	ig.StateMachine.ASYNC = 'async';

1 decade ago by soybean

Some of the difference with jakesgordon's code is that you'll need to access the fsm property once created a ig.StateMachine instance.


this.play_fsm = new ig.StateMachine(
	initial: "ready",
	events: [
		{ name: "pick", from: "ready", to: "select_1" },
		{ name: "pick", from: "select_1", to: "select_2" },
		{ name: "check", from: "select_2", to: "ready" }

console.log("SETUP FSM, check current: " + this.play_fsm.fsm.current);
console.log("SETUP FSM, play_fsm: " + JSON.stringify(this.play_fsm));
console.log("SETUP FSM, check current: " + this.play_fsm.fsm.current);

1 decade ago by soybean

Oh btw, sorry for the console.logs.. you can remove it if you like :)

1 decade ago by StuartTresadern

Wow that seems like a very Long time ago. I did get it working in the end with changes pretty much the same as yours. Thanks for posting anyway I am sure may other developers will find it useful.
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