
I'm finalising a book of 38 interviews with mobile game engine developers using off-the-shelf game engines. ImpactJS is among the engines covered.

The title is "Mobile Game Engines: Interviews with Mobile Game Developers" and I've put up a landing page some the cover, the blurb and some details at http://mobilegameengines.com/interviews_with_mobile_game_developers

I'm still trying to figure out how to best describe the book and I figure there are many people on this forum that know a thing or two about marketing and promoting their games.

For example, would you be interested enough to read it? If so, are you able to put into words what interests you or what you are eager to find out from reading the book? If not, why, how did I miss the mark?

For me it was curiosity into the processes used by other developers to choose and working with third party frameworks that is what drove me to put the book together in the first place. It's such a critical decision that has to made right at the start of the project and influences so many of the technical decisions for the rest of the project.
