1 decade ago by ansimuz
I am trying to create a start screen with a repetitive scrolling background. What do you think its the best approach?
Right now i am extending the game class to create a start screen like this:
I am trying to create a start screen with a repetitive scrolling background. What do you think its the best approach?
Right now i am extending the game class to create a start screen like this:
StartScreen = ig.Game.extend({ // instructText: new ig.Font('media/04b03-small.font.png'), background: new ig.Image('media/forest.png'), init: function(){ ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.SPACE, 'start'); }, update: function(){ if(ig.input.pressed('start')){ ig.system.setGame(MyGame); } this.parent(); }, draw: function(){ this.parent(); this.background.draw(0,0); } });