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1 decade ago by orubel

Converting the PHP code to work within a java (Groovy / Grails) MVC environment. I want the levels to be able to be associated with a user id (or not) and am just tested to return Ajax data from their.

Everything looks fine, the Ajax data is returned and I can see it using 'toSource', but the 'loadDir' function in select-file-dropdown.js used by weltmeister is not populating the 'layerTileset' dropdown.

What am I doing wrong? Here is a copy of the JSON I get back. I just want to see the files and return them... not concerned with path (I also got rid of parent and dirs as I dont want them traversing dir structure).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 decade ago by orubel

solved. I just had to look at the original way this data was being sent in Impact and match it. DUH! {head smack}
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