I am trying to make a damage effect where an animated fly turns red when it gets hit. The question is, how do I sync up the animations for the red tinted sprite with the normal sprite in the same sprite sheet?
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I came up with a solution, I thought I'd share. I'm open to any other solutions.
if(this.blinkTimer.delta() > 0.2){
this.currFrame = this.currentAnim.frame;
this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
this.currentAnim.frame = this.currFrame;
this.currFrame = this.currentAnim.frame;
this.currentAnim = this.anims.damagedIdle;
this.currentAnim.frame = this.currFrame;
this.takingDmg = false;
You could also, inside update, change the alpha of your currentAnim to some random value within a range calculated from remaining health:
update: function()
if (this.health < 100)
var maxAlpha = this.health/100;
var minAlpha = maxAlpha/10;
this.currentAnim.alpha = Math.random().map(0,1,minAlpha, maxAlpha);
I thought about that, but I didn't really like the effect. I wanted it to blink red or white to give the player the feeling of doing damage.
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