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1 decade ago by jackrugile

I am using Impact v 1.22. I am interested in getting the name of an entity's currentAnim. When I console.log() on entity.currentAnim, I seem to get most of the information I need, but not the name of the animation.

I want to do this to sync up animations between child entities to parent entities. I have it all working fine when only one animation is being used, because I can utilize the gotoFrame() method. However, gotoFrame() is not enough when I also need to change the named animation to match the parent entity.

Thanks in advance, and let me know if this question needs any clarification.

10 years ago by pussard

When creating your entity&039;s animations, I would just use the constructor itself instead of #addAnim like so:

(Inside your entity) = new ig.Animation(animSheet, 0.1, [0,1,2], true);
// manually add a name property to access later = 'foo';
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