Hello good fellows! I have a code here that allows me to use a steering wheel for a regular browser game. I want to use it for ImpactJS but I am quite confused with what to put into the input.js file. This gamepad api works with firefox's nightly. How do I put it in input.js properly? I'm not sure where to place the event listener and other things.

According to https://wiki.mozilla.org/GamepadAPI
For the Axis Events

<div id="gamepads"></div>
function axisHandler(event, pressed) {
  var gamepads = document.getElementById("gamepads"),
    gamepadId = event.gamepad.id,
    axis = event.axis,
    value = event.value;

  gamepads.innerHTML += " Gamepad Axis Move (id=" + gamepadId +
                                               ", axis=" + axis +
                                               ", value=" + value + ")";

window.addEventListener("MozGamepadAxisMove", axisHandler, false);