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1 decade ago by vassildador

Hello everyone,

I recently got myself a shiny new 120Hz monitor and I noticed some rather strange behavior in ImpactJS.
In the init of the game I declared the game to run at 60FPS. When actually in-game however, the debug panel states it's running at 120FPS.

Did anyone experience anything similar or (even better) does anyone have any idea why this is happening :)? Is my game really running at 120FPS, or is the counter erroneous? Chrome's FPS counter also states it's running at 120FPS, so I'd assume they are correct.


1 decade ago by lTyl

The FPS setting in ig.main is ignored as of 1.20 and instead uses requestAnimationFrame. The gist; the browser tells the web application when it is ready to draw a frame, as opposed to the application telling the browser to draw a frame every x ms. So if you have a high-refresh rate monitor, and powerful enough hardware to render that quickly; then the browser will tell Impact it's ready to render 120 times a second

1 decade ago by vassildador

Alright! Thanks for the information :) I must've missed that in the changelog.
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