
I'm having some problems getting the next level to load using the code found here.

I have added the key "level" to the entity trigger with the value "two" (which should load LevelTwo" but have no idea why the code isn't working.

	check: function(other) {
	    if (other instanceof EntityPlayer) {
	        console.log("loading new level"); // this runs

	        if (this.level) {
	            console.log("current level found"); // this doesn't run

	            var levelName = this.level.replace(/^(Level)?(\w)(\w*)/, function(m, l, a, b) {
	                return a.toUpperCase() + b;

	            ig.game.loadLevelDeferred(ig.global['Level' + levelName]);

Thanks folks!

Problem fixed, forgot to actually save the level name on the trigger in the editor.