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1 decade ago by Griegs

I'd like to be able to have say the head of my snake and then have a bunch of entities follow the leader as it were but unsure how to implement that so that no matter how the head moves, the followers should follow the same track.

Or is there a better way to do this?

1 decade ago by Griegs

Never mind, I found a way to do this using Math.sin.

update: function () {
this.posX = this.posX -;
var y = Math.sin((this.posX) * Math.PI / 180);
if (y >= 0) y = 100 - (y - 0) * 60;
if (y < 0) y = 100 + (0 - y) * 60;
this.pos.y = y;


Each snake segment is responsible for moving itself and doesn't rely on any preceeding segments.
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