This has to do with general game logic practices more than with Impact.
My problem is that upon re-entering a level, the items placed using Weltmeister regenerate despite being picked up previously. How is it usually set up in games that an item 'gotten' will no longer be available?
How can I incorporate this into the instructions for my item entities and main game? Thanks.
(expounds on post
Buried items)
What about using the storage plugin to record the level and coordinates of picked up items, and checking against that every time a level was loaded?
Thanks for the idea alexandre. I didn't think of the storage plugin for this task. I just checked it out; it seems like it can record a lot of things in your game. Do you think that attempting what you suggested would require any modification to the plugin? I'm a novice with JavaScript/programming.
I haven't used the plugin but doubt you'll have to make any mods. Anyway, this is rough, untested, certainly buggy, but I did that for practice (I'm a JS noob meeself and that's how I would start doing it, for better or for worse). Hope it helps.
EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend (
size: {x:8, y:8},
type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A,
checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.B,
collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.PASSIVE,
inventory: new Inventory (this),
enteredLevel: function (levelObject)
// for each item in level, if item is in inventory
// remove it from level
check: function (other)
// friend, foe, or treasure?
if (typeof (other) == EntityItem)
// remove from world
this.collector.take (other);
// ...
EntityItem = ig.Entity.extend (
size: {x:8, y:8},
type: ig.Entity.TYPE.B,
checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE,
collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.PASSIVE,
animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet ('media/generic-item.png', 8, 8),
init: function( x, y, settings )
this.parent (x, y, settings);
this.addAnim ('idle', 0.2, [0,1]);
ItemCollector = ig.Class.extend (
init: function ()
// setup local storage here
take: function (item)
// write entry to local storage,
// specifying level id and coordinates
items: function ()
// retrieve all local storage items
Inventory = ig.Class.extend (
owner: null,
collector: new ItemCollector (),
init: function (someone)
this.owner = someone;
this.collector = ItemCollector;
items: function ()
return this.collector.items();
Thanks alexandre! That's very helpful of you to draw that up. I will certainly try my hand at making this work over the next day or so.
Sure thing. Though upon review, I think that, conceptually, the enteredLevel function does not belong where I put it.
It might be easier to do something like:
MyGame = ig.Game.extend (
loadLevel: function (levelObject)
// for each picked up item found in local storage
// if it's level ID matches this one's, set "items"
// layer data at item's tile coordinates to 0
Anyway I'm new at Impact too. A simpler answer probably exists.
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