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1 decade ago by CoYotE

Hey there,

I wanted to know if it's possible to change the size of the grid in weltmeister ??
(wich you can bring up by hitting "g" on the keyboard within the editor)


1 decade ago by Datamosh

config.js inside weltmeister folder has the answer.
entityGrid resize the grid of the entity, the rest is controlled from the TileSize in the properties of the layer.

1 decade ago by CoYotE

Quote from Datamosh
config.js inside weltmeister folder has the answer.
entityGrid resize the grid of the entity, the rest is controlled from the TileSize in the properties of the layer.

Thanks Datamosh for the answer.
I've checked the 'entityGrid' several times before, which was set to default value of 4.
But changing the value here doesn't have any visual changes within weltmeister.

I wanted to change the size of the grid independent from the TileSize / Layer I am working in. So I guess thats not possible. In fact, I wanted to make the grid the size of the ingame-screen to edit my levels faster but stay with a my (default) tilesize of 8.
So the only way around I see now is maybe to add (if space left in the project/level) a dummy-layer for that. But the Grid Size then can't be X to Y right?

Excuse a little the confusion as I am pretty new to this editor.

thanks for the fast reply!!


1 decade ago by Datamosh

It is a very specific change! Try adding a line in edit-map.js inside the Weltmeister folder, after the following line:
var step = this.tilesize * ig.system.scale;

add something like:
step = 8; // Or the number you want

Is that what you want? Looks like a fake grid

1 decade ago by CoYotE

thanks for the fast response!
I'll try with this. Let you know if it worked ;)
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