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1 decade ago by Jon

I am trying to create a snowman. I currently have an image called Snowball and I was planning on creating three instances of this image with different sizes (so the smaller ball is on top and they get bigger going down).

However, I am unsure how to create the multiple animations needed (one for each ball). I can easily create the bottom ball:

animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/web/ammo/snowball.png', 18, 18) 

But I need to create two more animations and make sure they are sized appropriately and also stacked on one another.

Is there a way to create three images with varying sizes and x/y positions inside of one entity?

1 decade ago by Jerczu

This will help you... its work in progress but with bits of it you will achieve what you want to achieve.

1 decade ago by Jon

Awesome, thanks Jerczu. I'll take a look.

Thanks for responding.
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