I have a basement garage level I'm building where I want the player to enter or exit a cop car and drive it around a city district. I'd also like the same entity to be controlled by the game engine so it can be used in on rails car chase sequences.

What is the most effective way to control the turning circle based on the speed the car is travelling?

How can I make the car skid to the side when shunted by an enemy vehicle but still keep it's velocity?

Here's a snippet from car.js:
// Car Entity v0.2
EntityCar = ig.Entity.extend({
    // Entity properties
    collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE,
    type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A, //friendly faction
    checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.B, //enemy faction

    // 2D top down driving model
    size: {x: 80, y: 40}, // twice the width of the player character
    health: 100,
    speed: 0, // car is parked by default
    maxvel: 120, // max velocity
    friction: 0.2,
    accel: 1, // acceleration
    angle: 0, // facing angle
    steering: 0,
    maxSteerLeft: -90,
    maxSteerRight: 90,
    mode: 'stop', // default mode
    // Load animation sheet
    animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/cop-car.png', 80, 40 ),
    init: function(x, y, settings) {
        this.parent(x, y, settings);
        // Add animations for cop car
        // Headlights and sirens will be separate entities
        this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0] );
        this.addAnim('accelerate', 0.3, [1,2,3] );
        this.addAnim('brake', 0.3, [4,5,6] );
        this.addAnim('opendoor', 0.5, [4,5,6] );
        this.addAnim('closedoor', 0.5, [7,8,9] );
    debug: function(){
        ig.log('Car mode: ' + this.mode);
        ig.log('Car speed: ' + this.speed);
        ig.log('Car angle: ' + this.angle);
        ig.log('Car pos x: ' + this.pos.x + ' Car pos y: ' + this.pos.y);
    check: function(other) {
        // Collision with fixed entities here
        // Collision with hazard entities here 
    enterCar: function(){
            ig.game.player.currentAnim = null;
            ig.game.player.collides = ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NEVER;
            ig.game.player.checkAgainst = ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE;
    exitCar: function() {
            ig.game.player.collides = ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE;
            ig.game.player.checkAgainst = ig.Entity.TYPE.B;
            ig.game.player.currentAnim = ig.game.player.anims.idle;
            ig.game.player.pos.x = this.pos.x; // needs offset values to position the player next to the driver's door
            ig.game.player.pos.y = this.pos.y;
    // Snap angle to specified target, used in cutscenes
    setAngle: function(target) {
        this.angle = this.angleTo(target);
        this.currentAnim.angle = this.angle;
    // Accelerate 
    accelerate: function() {
        if(this.speed < this.maxvel){
            this.speed += this.accel;
        this.currentAnim = this.anims.accelerate;
    // Brake
    brake: function() {
        if(this.speed > 0 ){
            this.speed -= this.accel;
        this.currentAnim = this.anims.brake;
    // Steering
    turnLeft: function(amount) {
        this.angle -= amount;
    turnRight: function(amount) {
        this.angle += amount;
    update: function() {
        this.debug(); //trace car physics
        // Set driving mode when player has activated the car
        if(ig.game.player) {
                if(this.distanceTo(ig.game.player) < 20 && this.mode == 'stop'){
                    this.currentAnim = this.anims.opendoor; 
                    this.mode = 'driving';
                    this.enterCar(); //Hide the player and ignore collisions
                else if(this.mode == 'driving'){
                   this.currentAnim = this.anims.opendoor;
                   this.mode = 'stop';
                   this.exitCar(); //Show the player and enable collisions
        // Player driving mode
        if(ig.game.state == 'play' && this.mode == 'driving') {
            // Accelerator
            if(ig.input.pressed('accelerate') ){
            else if(ig.input.released('accelerate') ){
                this.speed *= this.friction;
            // Brake
            if(ig.input.pressed('brake')) {
            // Steering
            if(ig.input.pressed('turnleft')) {
                // We need to limit the steering so the car doesn't spin around on the spot
                if(this.steering >= this.maxSteerLeft){
                    this.steering -= (this.speed / 4); // steering should be a fraction of the current speed
            else if(ig.input.pressed('turnright') ){
                if(this.steering <= this.maxSteerRight){
                    this.steering += (this.speed / 4);
        // Stop the car or when player exits the car
        if(ig.game.state == 'play' && this.mode == 'stop'){
            this.speed = 0;
            this.steering = 0;
        // apply velocity by angle and speed
        this.vel.x = cos(this.angle) * this.speed;
        this.vel.y = sin(this.angle) * this.speed;
        this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
        this.currentAnim.angle = this.angle;
        // Update display
