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1 decade ago by JayJayBird

Hello! I'm having a frustrating problem with Weltmeister and I'm out of tricks.

Here's what I'm getting from Firebug (Firefox 26.0):

uncaught exception: Failed to load entity list via glob.php: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character

<?php require_once( 'config.php' );
$globs = is_array($_GET['glob']) ? $_GET['glob'] : array($_GET['glob']);
$files = array();
foreach( $globs as $glob ) { $pattern = WM_Config::$fileRoot . str_replace( '..', '', $glob );
$currentFiles = glob( $pattern );
if( $currentFiles !== false ) { $files = array_merge( $files, $currentFiles ); } }
$fileRootLength = strlen( WM_Config::$fileRoot );
foreach( $files as $i => $f ) { $files[$i] = substr( $f, $fileRootLength ); } echo json_encode( $files ); ?>
..."resolve"],fail:[b,"reject"],progress:[c,"notify"]},function(a,b){var c=b[0],e=b...

jquery....min.js (line 2)
uncaught exception: Unresolved (or circular?) dependencies. Most likely there's a name/path mismatch for one of the listed modules or a previous syntax error prevents a module from loading: weltmeister.weltmeister (requires: weltmeister.edit-entities) weltmeister.edit-entities (requires: weltmeister.entities)

It looks like a PHP parsing failure, but I can't see the solution. It's the most current download of Impact. I've installed / uninstalled Xampp several times. I've tried v.1.82 (PHP 5.4.22) and v.1.83 (PHP 5.5.6). My globals are enabled. I can run other PHP scripts, like Wordpress.

I didn't have any issues when I ran everything on Vista - has anyone else had problems with Windows 8? (Things I've tried on that front: installed as administrator; starting Apache as administrator; knocking down my UAC settings.)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

1 decade ago by JayJayBird

Hmmm, well, I noticed something this morning that confirmed it's totally a server problem (not port blockage), so please disregard. I'll head over to the Xampp forums.

1 decade ago by JayJayBird

Okay! It took some fiddling, but I figured it out. I decided to follow up here with my solution, just in case anyone else has a problem down the road.

The culprit: Ad Block Plus enabled on Firefox.

Interestingly enough, it only affects scripting from localhost (I could run everything on a remote host), and not only does it block Weltmeister php code, but also game js code if you browse to the game's index URL instead of opening the file from Window's file explorer.
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