Hi there people:

I trying to you use the converstions entity but i can't use the animations for talk, listen...

this is my code:

animSettings: {
                idleX: { sequence: [10], frameTime: 0.1 },
                moveX: { sequence: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], frameTime: 0.07 },
                jumpX: { sequence: [8, 9], frameTime: 0.1 },
                fallX: { sequence: [6, 7], frameTime: 0.4 },
                talk: { sequence: [20], frameTime: 0.1 }

var textbubble = ig.game.spawnEntity(ig.EntityConversation, 0, 0);
            textbubble.addStep( 'Hi there!', 'player', 1);
            textbubble.steps["1"].animNameTalk = 'talk';
            textbubble.addStep( 'Yo no hablo ingles imbecil!', 'slime', 2);
            textbubble.locking = true;

i was looking on documentation from impact and i find this:
conversation.steps[ 1 ] = {
             *      // entity that should say text
             *      name: 'player',
             *      // text to show
             *      text: 'hello world'
             *      // order of display, defaults to step number
             *      order: 1,
             *      // whether speaking entity should have control removed
             *      // defaults to conversation's locking property
             *      locking: true,
             *      // name of animation to play while talking
             *      // defaults to conversation's animNameTalk property
             *      animNameTalk: 'talk',
             *      // name of animation to play while listening
             *      // defaults to conversation's animNameListen property
             *      animNameListen: 'listen',
             *      // text entity settings
             *      settings: {...}
             * };

But didn't work for me. Any idea please? :(