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9 years ago by Struppi


I've been hesitating for quite a while now to buy a license for Impact.
And I'm still undecided. Maybe you can help me.

Let's start with the fact that I'm still a student in 11. Grade. Tbh, I have just a little to none experience in javascript, web-development or whatsoever. Basicially, I finished CodeCademys javascript-section and that's it, apart from some really messy Java experience from the computer science lessons in school.

tl;dr: I'm a noob at everything. Though I like games.

I'd tried several SDK's like UDK and CryEngine, but these seem to be targeted at more experienced developers. I heard of Impact before,over the Nintendo Wii Indie-Dev thing, they promote it on their site, though with CrossCode, it really got my attention.

From what I read on the forums here though, nobody really knows where the development is heading right now, if it's alive at all. On the other hand, It get's praised as probably the best engine on here, even though some features aren't included, like multiplayer.

So heres my final problem: I'm spending 100 bucks on something, which I barely know stuff about. Is it worth it, for a noob to buy this engine to get into game development? Or will I be learning something that will be outdated or abandoned in the next year or so, since Impact isn't open source? Don't get me wrong, It's just that 100 bucks is alot for me, with so many free alternatives arround.

I hope you can help me,


9 years ago by RockLeo


Despite to where it goes, right now, the way it is, you can make games like CrossCode.

You have the freedom of custumize anything, inject codes into the framework, use plugins, make plugins and etc.

It's undeniable the power of this engine.

So, why do you care if it is or not dead?

But, I suggest you try out the free JS game engines out there before you buy it.

There must be other ones capable of make games like CrossCode.

9 years ago by drhayes

Impact is pretty great, especially if you're just starting out. But before you spend $100 try out some of the free JS engines like Phaser, Panda, or MelonJS.

9 years ago by stahlmanDesign

Impact is really solid, and even though the game engine has not changed really since July 2014, development continues for Ejecta, the package that makes it easy to publish Impact games to Apple TV and iOS devices.

The dev version of Impact also gets maintenance updates. The last one was Oct. 2015:

Release button when touch is canceled; thanks @Joncom

I gave a presentation of Impact in August 2015 to a Javascript user group and another guy presented a game made with If you want a free game engine with an active community, it looks like a good alternative to Impact.
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