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1 decade ago by gnx

So I made again a bit of research into this subject.

The objective: packing an impact game to a windows executable (at least, other OS would be great too). The reason is is obviously Steam :)

So far I've tested these:

Ran my game perfectly except there is no sound :(
The sound bug is also apparently pretty deep, so this won't do it.

This looked very encouraging, but I tried my game in the downloadable sample browser app, and it does not run very well and the sound has bugs.

I also know this can be perhaps done with Adobe Air or QT, but I didn't try yet.

Has anyone had any luck with this?
I know there is lots of pointing towards different frameworks on stackoverflow, but does someone have actual experience or tips?:)

1 decade ago by gnx


Tried Adobe Air. It can't even succesfully load impactjs.
Apparently Adobe hasn't/doesn't want to implement <audio> so another no-go there.

1 decade ago by fulvio

I&039;m working on a little Windows Form app that uses the #WebBrowser() class object, however it's not looking promising considering it uses the IE rot-in-hell-engine.

WebBrowser Class

1 decade ago by gnx

Quote from fulvio
I&039;m working on a little Windows Form app that uses the #WebBrowser() class object, however it's not looking promising considering it uses the IE rot-in-hell-engine.

I'm not going to spit on IE in this instance. Impactjs works on Chrome and IE alike.
The important bit seems to be actually having 1) relatively modern version of the rendering engine 2) implementing the same features as the browsers do (#¤%&%¤ you Adobe -.-).

1 decade ago by gnx

Update #2:

Saw an example with Awesomium newest RC and Scirra. Seemed pretty convincing, so I&039;ll try to make something with my non-existent C skills :P

1 decade ago by aarocka

Quote from gnx

Tried Adobe Air. It can't even succesfully load impactjs.
Apparently Adobe hasn't/doesn't want to implement <audio> so another no-go there.

I have looked at packaging an impact.js app in an air application. The problem is that impact needs to be hosted from a web server. This is due to xss protection and canvas won't load cross domains. Html air apps are the equivalent of going into safari and typing file:///path/to/impact/game/index.html. Webkit's xss protection wants http://localhost. In order for one to package it as an air app, you would have to create a simple web server and then have air load localhost. I have no clue how to do this.

Also I don't think air apps can be submitted to the MacAppstore because it requires Air runtime to be installed or something about sandboxing.
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