Dear Programmer,

I stumbled upon your website quite literally; by finding your game through Found through Being an avid typer I enjoy to see how far I can push the limits to my typing. Though I did fairly enjoy your program, I however if you're still interested in updating this program hear me out.

There comes to a point where there's so many enemies on the screen that the word I am typing (that is lit up orange) gets covered by the mass of texts. If I have a typo it's quite possible it gets me killed because I can't see which is the next letter in the world. If I may suggest... could you please give the 'target' word dominance over all the others and bring it to the front? I'm not sure how you would code the layering, but if you could make whatever "target" be the focal point while you're typing it I feel this would make this a better game.

Another point to be made... Lets say I see the "mouse" and I misstyped it and Hit the "N" key. The game will automatically select a ship that starts with "n" (And hopefully it's a ship I can see that isn't flooded by other ships. I've died a few times because I simply didn't know what the word was because it was muddled by all the other ships) however, i"ve already hit that portion. My point is... Perhaps you could add some coding that if the player presses the Space Bar it will unlock from the current target and allow you to begin typing for another target.

For example, perhaps I started typing out a long word, but a short word enemy got a bit too close for comfort... While i'm in the middle of grasshopper, let's say I just finished the last S. If the player desired, they could press the spacebar and hopper will no longer be lit up as orange and I can finish typing to destroy the 'go' ship that's about to hit me. At that point, if you desired you can penalize players by having the ship refresh it's health so I have to retype the whole word "grasshopper" or you can just leave the ships current health as is and I'd just have to type "hopper" to finish it off.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I felt that these goals may help the polish the games edges. Over all It was very enjoyable to play!

Again thanks for reading,
~Sly Fox~