
8 Posts, registered 9 years ago


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Recent Posts

9 years ago in Impact - is it still worth it?:

Performance is my biggest hang up on Impact(as well as the lack of WebGL suppor…

9 years ago in Impact - is it still worth it?:

If you want to work with a more modern library with a large active community an…

9 years ago in Any news on impactjs 2.0 or further updates for current version?:

Honestly a lot of the things listed on here are things that people have develop…

9 years ago in Packaging as binary for desktop:

Node-webkit works fine for packaging a executable. I'm currently using it for d…

9 years ago in Impact optimization:

I'm wondering if any of my fellow impact devs out there have optimized their ga…

9 years ago in To where is Impact headed?:


9 years ago in To where is Impact headed?:

The whole panda engine came from the developer working on the Impact-pixi plugi…

9 years ago in To where is Impact headed?:

I love impact's module system and it's ease of getting things done. Bundled wit…