
133 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

1 decade ago in Impact 2.0 release date?:

Two Years ago it was a september release... Dominic, now hasn't even comme…

1 decade ago in Spare a moment for testing?:

>>Maybe you can put some kind of progress bar on how many videos are watc…

1 decade ago in Spare a moment for testing?:

OK, I've set it with the non-minified source. If there's any way you …

1 decade ago in Spare a moment for testing?:

Interesting. Does it work at all on iPad? Any idea what that error might be? Ma…

1 decade ago in Spare a moment for testing?:

PS - if you have an iPad I'm really wondering if it works at all... I'…

1 decade ago in Spare a moment for testing?:

Have a project that's getting close to completion and hoping I can get som…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

>>So quick fix : when in your game, show the video on mouse UP (released)…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

One more thing - capturing and redispatching to canvas doesn't seem like i…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

Well, my first attempt failed. I get a 'too much recursion' error... …

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

@vincentpiel, I tried placing an onmouseout on the gameContainer div, and when …

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

Thanks vincentpiel, your second solutions sounds like it could work. I'm j…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

That doesn't work, I've already tried it. The canvas isn't actua…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

As a little test I did a ig.system.setGame(newGameClass); in the callback from …

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

If someone cares to have a look it's here right now: http://design.gmrs…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

OK... so, Impact isn't really losing focus as my rollovers based on mouse …

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

Still working on this but have found that I don't think canvas is losing f…

1 decade ago in Canvas losing focus?:

Working on a game and I have a button that unhides a div containing a flowplaye…

1 decade ago in ig.input... not getting it...:

Not sure why really, but I was just using input.bind incorrectly. This line in …

1 decade ago in ig.input... not getting it...:

I have a game level, and also an entity that both do: ig.input.bind(ig.KEY.MOU…

1 decade ago in Error calling function in game from entity:

I love how you try and figure something out for an hour, and then you finally p…

1 decade ago in Error calling function in game from entity:

Do this all the time... can't figure out why I'm getting an error now…

1 decade ago in Scope in callback?:

Sorry, the callback with call was actually working fine. It was a different pro…

1 decade ago in Scope in callback?:

In my game class I instantiate an entity that has a button in it. The button, i…

1 decade ago in draw line - layered / zIndex:

Not sure how I could make it an entity? What I did was call the draw method of …

1 decade ago in draw line - layered / zIndex:

In a project I draw a dashed line on the canvas using something like: var ct…

1 decade ago in Easy Animation Sequence Plugin:

Sweet! Nice work Joncom.

1 decade ago in Mouse events on MS Surface?:

I have a game that is complete, built for MS Surface. It plays great on surface…

1 decade ago in Easily Pause your Game:

""_Quote from potan_ Dominic, i think the documentation is missing …

1 decade ago in Sprite Sheet Cell Order?:

Thanks, that's what I assumed, I just wanted to be sure.

1 decade ago in Sprite Sheet Cell Order?:

Does cell order matter at all? I have a sprite sheet for a right handed batter …