
7 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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10 years ago in Mashed Games:

Oh, thank you for the bug report! I assume you were playing nyan cat, will fix …

10 years ago in Mashed Games:

Mashes-Games is a multiplayer browsergame. The goal of this game is to dest…

1 decade ago in released my first game : Private Joe:

Wow! This is stunning... well done! :-) Although the nazi-theme seems a bit ol…

1 decade ago in X-Type - Shoot'em'Up with WebGL:

It's pretty cool and runs smooth in chrome for me. Even with my integrated…

1 decade ago in New Help section for Box2D?:

+1! ;)

1 decade ago in Where are you based?:

Schwerin, Germany ;)

1 decade ago in impsock: a Socket.IO plugin for ImpactJS:

Hi, I'm new to impact and the reason I got a license is, that I want to…