
360 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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1 decade ago in Misuse of requestAnimationFrame():

Do you know if the Box2D is using setTimeout for its step() loop?

1 decade ago in Misuse of requestAnimationFrame():

""_Quote from HawkleyFox_ What do you mean by 'not completely d…

1 decade ago in Misuse of requestAnimationFrame():

Something's not adding haven't completely decoupled your run…

1 decade ago in Ban User:nfljerseys:

Best CAPTCHA ever.

1 decade ago in Time reversal:

Set up a sample rate and cache each sample. Your sample should be an object wit…

1 decade ago in Level becomes broken when I save using Weltmeister:

More than likely you renamed a module, and the level still references the old m…

1 decade ago in Jasmine anyone?:

The issue is that all Impact instances are locked away within closures. If you …

1 decade ago in ig.Animation is skipping certain frames:

Floating point rounding errors! Might be a good reason to make Impact 2.0 ig.T…

1 decade ago in Need help with Trigonometry:

Riffing off of Joncom's code: ## /* How to spawn a bullet to the side */…

1 decade ago in Zoom/Scale Entities or Images:

I wrote a [ scali…

1 decade ago in Standing property inside collideWith:

Yes. The #standing# logic is completed prior to calling #collideWith#.

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

This is likely because the plugin needs to create/preload GL textures.

1 decade ago in Box2D Collision Plugin:

Thanks for your help, Joncom! I pushed the persist listener change and updated …

1 decade ago in Box2D Collision Plugin:

Great work, Joncom. I updated the plugin to add a greater penetration check for…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

""_Quote from drhayes_ Hey, just had a thought quidmonkey: in Chrome…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

Take a look at the #Two small improvements to ig.Class# thread in the Private f…

1 decade ago in Using WebGL?:

You might get some ideas of improving if you read through […

1 decade ago in Grunt-Impact!!:

You're welcome! I found a bug in which I defined an unnecessary task for &…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

I updated my repo with a DOM test and two new WebGL tests. I'm now able to…

1 decade ago in ! and ?:

#!# is a logical not, it can be used to give you the opposite Boolean value: #…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

Only Pixi and WebGL use WebGL. Impact-Fast is canvas and Impact. I commented th…

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

So, I retested using Windows 7 and Chrome (I tested last night with Ubuntu and …

1 decade ago in Two small improvements to ig.Class:

Very clever! I had attempted something similar, but gave it up once I hit the …

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

Here's a pic of [ ImpactJS Memory Usage]. Here's a…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

Added PixiJS test.

1 decade ago in Grunt-Impact!!:

Very cool! Grunt is perfect for automating these kinds of manual tasks.

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

30fps. My laptop is fairly new, so performance will vary.

1 decade ago in Grunt-Impact!!:

If you're like me, baking and deploying your ImpactJS game is a painful pr…

1 decade ago in How to Get Over 5000 Entities Onscreen:

I created a [ particle performance t…

1 decade ago in Slope collision confusion:

You can try [ …