
10 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

10 years ago in Kickstart a new Impact.JS Book:

That would be amazing Apiheld!

10 years ago in Kickstart a new Impact.JS Book:

After having gotten very thorough help from the community (From Apiheld, drhay…

10 years ago in Question update Update() (More about style than anything):

I really do appreciate everyone's rich responses. Thank you. As I even…

10 years ago in Question update Update() (More about style than anything):

Thanks Joncom, That is definitely a lot cleaner.

10 years ago in 7 Impact plugins I made:

The usefulness of these plug-ins and the quality of the code is fantastic!

10 years ago in Question update Update() (More about style than anything):

This topic is somewhat broad and theoretical and has to do with code style/smel…

10 years ago in Impact.JS Meetup (USA): Baltimore, DC Area:

Anyone out there located in Maryland, Baltimore/Washington area? I reside in Co…

1 decade ago in Blink animation on idle:

Thanks so much for your feedback! The isInputIdle logic works well. I canno…

1 decade ago in First preview of my first Impact game!:

I really like the whole aesthetic of the game. I also dig the trampolines, alot!

1 decade ago in Blink animation on idle:

Hi Impact Community, I am extremely new to the framework and to game develop…