1 decade ago by lachsen
Hello there!
Last weekend, we created a small game during the overnight competition of Devmania in Mainz, Germany. We basically created a game with our modified impact.js engine in about 19 hours.
Afterwards, we polished the game a bit (but without changing the actual content/gameplay).
That game is Ninja Hobo Connoisseur
Click here to play!
The gameplay is not too different from our main project ( CrossCode ). But instead of throwing balls you throw cork. And with that cork you destroy countless fake wine spritzer bottle.
Some background on the contest: the theme was to look up a keyword from a German newspaper page and make a game about it. Our keyword was 'Winzerschorle'. Adding Hobo and Ninja for awesomeness we came up with this game.
I hope you like it! It's not quite as polished as CrossCode due to time constraints, but it's still a decent play. It also showcases some new effects you can expect to see in later versions of CrossCode.
Hint: Hover of the Highscore/Controls panel at the start screen to see their content!
Last weekend, we created a small game during the overnight competition of Devmania in Mainz, Germany. We basically created a game with our modified impact.js engine in about 19 hours.
Afterwards, we polished the game a bit (but without changing the actual content/gameplay).
That game is Ninja Hobo Connoisseur

The gameplay is not too different from our main project ( CrossCode ). But instead of throwing balls you throw cork. And with that cork you destroy countless fake wine spritzer bottle.
Some background on the contest: the theme was to look up a keyword from a German newspaper page and make a game about it. Our keyword was 'Winzerschorle'. Adding Hobo and Ninja for awesomeness we came up with this game.
I hope you like it! It's not quite as polished as CrossCode due to time constraints, but it's still a decent play. It also showcases some new effects you can expect to see in later versions of CrossCode.
Hint: Hover of the Highscore/Controls panel at the start screen to see their content!