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10 years ago by mattahj

Hi guys,

I'm working on a roguelike for Windows/Mac/Linux that I have built using Impact & am deploying with node-webkit. I just put up a greenlight page that has some screenshots and a trailer :) Here it is if you want to check it out:

Also, if anyone would be interested in helping to test the game on OSX that would be really helpful. I'm also looking for a couple of people to run through the in-game tutorial and give some feedback (all of the guys I have testing atm know how to play already, so aren’t very helpful when it comes to the tutorial!). In return for testing I will list you in the credits of the game and give you a free copy of the game when it's released :)

Please mail me at matt at if you are interested in testing.


10 years ago by Joncom

Nice work. Cool to see an Impact game possibly being on Steam.

10 years ago by mattahj

Just found out today that the game has been greenlit! Now it's time to see if I can get steamworks to work with node-webkit :)

10 years ago by Krisjet

Congrats! Will be picking it up when it comes out, I love me some roguelikes :)

Please post here with any updates on your progress getting Steamworks and node-webkit to get along. That would be super helpful to the rest of us Steam hopefuls :)

10 years ago by mattahj


So far all I have done is get the steam overlay to work in windows. To do this you need to make sure you have "--in-process-gpu" added to chromium-args in your package.json.

I'm going to start playing with the greenworks plugin for node-webkit ( in the new year for things like cloud save and high scores.

Also, check out - they don’t use impact, but their game runs in node-webkit and they have implemented Steam achievements and stuff using greenworks AFAIK :)
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