1617 Posts, registered 1 decade ago
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This flood-fill plugin is super useful. Thanks :)
1. What browser?
2. Have you tried other browsers?
3. Which threads have you re…
Here's a Weltmeister issue that's been bothering me lately...
Steps …
Glad you got it working :)
""_Quote from ansimuz_
Maybe its a performance issue.
If you set an entity velocity
entity.vel.y = 100;
it should remain cons…
I've read your post several times, but I'm not quite sure what the be…
Are you trying to create a situation like in Mario (NES), where he jumps upward…
@EwcUser122, yes to both your questions. However, your questions had nothing to…
If I remember correctly, I used SVG images when I made this simple app-thing: h…
When you finish streaming, should the video become available?
Right you are, @stahlmanDesign! I had to install Flash and enable it in the sec…
The font tool seems to be broken for me.
The f…
When will you be streaming?
All three games run OK on my iPhone 5S, and Chrome on my Mac. Strange that you …
Haven't noticed. Can you point me to an ImpactJS game online that seems sl…
A great way to learn is download some already made examples, and look at the co…
How is the "levelchange" entity supposed to work anyway? Did you writ…
Regarding gamepad with Canvas+, a developer [https://forums.cocoon.io/t/how-to-…
What do you mean unplayable performance? Works, but laggy?
Maybe something like this...
// main.js
MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
Cannot play your game, because I just get stuck on this screen.
If I remember correctly from our conversation, the problem was that you were ch…
Yup, exactly.
Edit: If you make a new thread and post the code you have, perha…
Have you managed to connect to a socket server OK? Basically #this.socket# woul…
@Exivus, sure. You could have your game make AJAX calls to an API that talks to…
I usually setup my socket in main.js, and maybe create a pointer to it:
// …
Code that should not be run inside Weltmeister can be gated with #ig.global.wm#…
If I understand correctly, your player should be moving around a 2D top-down le…