
1617 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

7 years ago in Weltmeister plugins - setting a standard.:

This flood-fill plugin is super useful. Thanks :)

7 years ago in loading issue:

1. What browser? 2. Have you tried other browsers? 3. Which threads have you re…

7 years ago in Making Weltmeister more Git friendly:

Here's a Weltmeister issue that's been bothering me lately... Steps …

7 years ago in entity slow down:

Glad you got it working :)

7 years ago in entity slow down:

""_Quote from ansimuz_ Maybe its a performance issue. "" @o…

7 years ago in entity slow down:

If you set an entity velocity ## entity.vel.y = 100; ## it should remain cons…

7 years ago in Selective Collision:

I've read your post several times, but I'm not quite sure what the be…

7 years ago in Player collides with 2 other entities, only 1 collision gets detected.:

Are you trying to create a situation like in Mario (NES), where he jumps upward…

7 years ago in Moving Platforms:

@EwcUser122, yes to both your questions. However, your questions had nothing to…

8 years ago in SVG Spritesheets and animations?:

If I remember correctly, I used SVG images when I made this simple app-thing: h…

8 years ago in Fourest Heroes... Making of a 2D pixel-art platformer :):

Cool, I see them now! :)

8 years ago in Fourest Heroes... Making of a 2D pixel-art platformer :):

Cool! When you finish streaming, should the video become available? {http://i…

8 years ago in Bug Report: Font Tool Seems Broken?:

Right you are, @stahlmanDesign! I had to install Flash and enable it in the sec…

8 years ago in Bug Report: Font Tool Seems Broken?:

The font tool seems to be broken for me. The f…

8 years ago in Fourest Heroes... Making of a 2D pixel-art platformer :):

When will you be streaming?

8 years ago in Become super slow running on web browser:

All three games run OK on my iPhone 5S, and Chrome on my Mac. Strange that you …

8 years ago in Become super slow running on web browser:

Haven't noticed. Can you point me to an ImpactJS game online that seems sl…

8 years ago in Spawning points:

A great way to learn is download some already made examples, and look at the co…

8 years ago in Spawning points:

How is the "levelchange" entity supposed to work anyway? Did you writ…

8 years ago in Gamepad support on Amazon Fire TV with Cocoon Canvas+:

Regarding gamepad with Canvas+, a developer […

8 years ago in Gamepad support on Amazon Fire TV with Cocoon Canvas+:

What do you mean unplayable performance? Works, but laggy?

8 years ago in Impact js variable scopes. Where should I put my websocket?:

Maybe something like this... ## // main.js MyGame = ig.Game.extend({ ... …

8 years ago in Minotaur:

Cannot play your game, because I just get stuck on this screen. http://i.imgur…

8 years ago in Help with splitting angles into quadrants for animation (math):

If I remember correctly from our conversation, the problem was that you were ch…

8 years ago in Defining/Initializing properties in Entities error:

Yup, exactly. Edit: If you make a new thread and post the code you have, perha…

8 years ago in Defining/Initializing properties in Entities error:

Have you managed to connect to a socket server OK? Basically #this.socket# woul…

8 years ago in Connecting with web DB:

@Exivus, sure. You could have your game make AJAX calls to an API that talks to…

8 years ago in Defining/Initializing properties in Entities error:

I usually setup my socket in main.js, and maybe create a pointer to it: ## // …

8 years ago in Defining/Initializing properties in Entities error:

Code that should not be run inside Weltmeister can be gated with…

8 years ago in TwoPointFive Pointer Entity Collisions:

If I understand correctly, your player should be moving around a 2D top-down le…