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9 years ago by ijed

Hi guys,

I've searched around a bit and couldn't find a similar issue, either here or in general.

I'm new to Impact and have been adapting the jump n run demo to something new.

When constructing my checkpoint entity I used the coin as a base. Problem is, whenever I try running an animation on it I get the cyclic error
Uncaught TypeError: this.currentAnim.update is not a function

I thought this was because the coin entity originally avoided this.parent, so included that instead of the update animation call, but that instead tells me that Draw is not a function.

I've reordered the code several times but the basic thing remains - if I try to play animation it breaks.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

9 years ago by AndrewMast

Hmm. Code?

9 years ago by AndrewMast

It's just that we can't start until you give us your code. Have you done this.addAnim(...) yet?

9 years ago by ijed

Sorry, I thought this would be a n00b gotcha. Here's the code so far:

EntityGraveskull = ig.Entity.extend({
	size: {x: 16, y: 4},
	offset: {x: 8, y: 28},
	type: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE,
	checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.A, // Check against friendly
	collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NEVER,
	animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/graves.png', 32, 32 ),
	sfxCollect: new ig.Sound( 'media/sounds/coin.*' ),
	//internal properties
	status: 0,	//0 = inactive, 1 = active
	burned: 0,	//0= usable, 1 = burned
	init: function( x, y, settings ) {
		this.parent( x, y, settings );
		this.zIndex = -10; //draw it behind other stuff
		this.addAnim( 'inactive', 0.1, [0]);
		this.addAnim( 'activate', 0.1, [1,2], true);
		this.addAnim( 'burn', 0.1, [4,5], true);
	update: function() 
		// Do nothing in this update function; don't even call this.parent().
		// The coin just sits there, isn't affected by gravity and doesn't move.
		//manage the animations depending on status of the grave
		if (this.status == 0)
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.inactive;
		else if (this.status == 1)
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.activate.rewind;
		else if (this.status == 2)
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.activated;
		else if (this.status == 3)
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.burn;
		else if (this.status == 4)
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.burned;
		else	//its burned and inactive
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.inactiveburned;
		// We still have to update the animation, though. This is normally done
		// in the .parent() update:
	check: function( other ) 
		// The instanceof should always be true, since the player is
		// the only entity with TYPE.A - and we only check against A.
		if (other instanceof EntityPlayer)
			//if not burned and the player is injured, restore them
			if (( == 1) && (this.burned == 0) )
			{ = 3;		//restore player
				this.status = 1;			//activated;	//play sfx
				/*if( this.currentAnim != this.anims.burn )
					this.currentAnim = this.anims.burn.rewind;*/
				//other.respawnPoint = this.pos.x, this.pos.y+4;
				if( this.currentAnim != this.anims.burn )
					this.currentAnim = this.anims.burn.rewind;;	//play sfx
				//other.respawnPoint = this.pos.x, this.pos.y+4;



9 years ago by ijed

It's a bit confusing because there are multiple states for the object, and they're not yet written.

It works as a waypoint and as a way for the player to restore themselves from a damaged state.

Also, right now the script that plays the animation is disabled to avoid the crash.

I haven't figured out the respawn point code yet either, but no worries :)

Thanks in advance!

9 years ago by AndrewMast

Hmmm. Give me a minute

9 years ago by AndrewMast

Try on update:

9 years ago by ijed

That's interesting.

It logs no animation until I trigger one by playing, at which point it breaks with the same error and some 'not the droids you're looking for' error;

function () {
		this.loopCount = 0;
		this.frame = 0;
		this.tile = this.sequence[0];
		return this;

It does however tell me that the error is originating in entity.js line 101, which is where ImpactJS calls the exact same animation update. Not surprising, I know, but I haven't yet begun digging around in the guts of the system.

So whatever it is I'm provoking is most likely some stupid syntax thing that cripples the engine, or else a similar obvious requirement I've not included...

9 years ago by Joncom

There&039;s a few places in your code where you incorrectly call #rewind

// This:
this.currentAnim = this.anims.burn.rewind;
// Should be:
this.currentAnim = this.anims.burn.rewind();

Calling rewind or any of the animation methods like this would cause the issue, because you&039;re not actually setting #this.currentAnim to a valid animation.

9 years ago by ijed

Confirmed and fixed.

Thank you!

Is there some sort of debugger or fake compiler I can use for these types of errors?

I doubt I'll be making this particular mistake again, but it's very easy to miss a , or something when writing out large blocks.

9 years ago by Joncom

It&039;s simply important to note that "methods" or "functions" are called with #(). Your code was syntactically valid. It just wasn't what the ImpactJS engine expected you to do.


The error makes sense because you were setting this.currentAnim to a function (instead of object with a property called update).

I suppose if you were using something like TypeScript, then a linter could have told you that you set this.currentAnim to an invalid type, however a stable TypeScript version of ImpactJS is not available...
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