1 decade ago by Mario
hello, i am trying to create a simple ki.
my game flow is something like that:
iam stuck at save and restore ig.game.entities...
checkRules change some entities (if action cards activated) and after the first simulation the entities are at a wrong state for the next simulation
i tried $.extend(true, {}, ig.game.entities); from jquery and a self written recursive solution, because ig.Array.copy should not work with ig.Classes
has anyone a hint for me? i will write further explaination if necessary...
thx mario
my game flow is something like that:
if (currentPlayer == human) { var card = letHimPickACard(); checkRules(card); } else { for(var i=0; i< allPossibilities; i++) { saveEntities(); var card = getCard[i]; checkRules(card); if(points >= bestPoints) { bestPoints = points; bestChoice = i; } restoreEntities; } var card = getCard[bestChoice]; checkRules(card); }
iam stuck at save and restore ig.game.entities...
checkRules change some entities (if action cards activated) and after the first simulation the entities are at a wrong state for the next simulation
i tried $.extend(true, {}, ig.game.entities); from jquery and a self written recursive solution, because ig.Array.copy should not work with ig.Classes
has anyone a hint for me? i will write further explaination if necessary...
thx mario