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1 decade ago by Eli

I'm experiencing an issue in Chrome 31.0.1650.57 m

The game is an endless runner type game. I have 9 background maps that repeat (a city skyline with many different levels).

In Chrome, I get around 8-12 fps if I draw all 9 backgroundMaps. In Firefox I get around 60 fps. If I remove one of the backgroundMaps (any one of them) I get around 60 fps in both browsers.

Here are the screenshots of the profile in Chrome:

With 9 backgroundMaps:
With 8 backgroundMaps:

Does anyone know why this might be happening?

1 decade ago by Joncom

Does it make a difference what contents the 9th layer contains? Can you try mixing and matching different layers and get the same result?

Probably more important than "how many layers" is "how many draws". You could try requiring the debug module 'impact.debug.debug' and seeing what "draw count" you are getting when the problem occurs.

My guess is that your draw count is pretty high when you start to experience the issue.
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