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1 decade ago by Oliver

Im trying to use inclined entities with .currentAnim.angle and the .touches() function, but it seems that the "inclined" entity is not really inclined, only its animation (basically becouse .currentAnim.angle only inclines the animation, not the entity). My question is: is there a way to incline a entity?
The plan is that when a entity touches any part of another entity (inclined) it does something.

1 decade ago by Joncom

You guessed it, currentAnim.angle only rotates the animation.
You can rotate entity hit boxes too, but not with the default physics engine.
Try upgrading to Box2D for that.

1 decade ago by Oliver

Yea i was trying to avoid it, its hard to understand and there is not mutch documentation here to start learning. Is it really no other way? :(

1 decade ago by Joncom

Here, try this:
In my opinion, it's not much more difficult than vanilla Impact.
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