1 decade ago by dahl
My entity is a plasmaball that i took pics of here at the house and turned into png images to use for my animation. when i play the animation the first frame is the ball, but all the next frames turn it into a cylinder that bounces around the screen.
that's all the code i have, i'm pretty sure it's not that. and i used the png from jump/run as a guide, plus the skull png i made works great. not sure whats up. any help would be great. thanks.
ig.module( 'game.entities.plasmaball' ) .requires( 'impact.entity' ) .defines(function(){ EntityPlasmaball = ig.Entity.extend({ size: {x:24, y:24}, collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE, animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/plasmaball.png', 24, 24 ), bounciness: 2, init: function( x, y, settings ) { this.parent( x, y, settings ); this.addAnim( 'idle', .3, [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] ); this.vel.x = -200; this.vel.y = 100; } }); });
that's all the code i have, i'm pretty sure it's not that. and i used the png from jump/run as a guide, plus the skull png i made works great. not sure whats up. any help would be great. thanks.