1 decade ago by madd4mon
Hello there,
I'm fairly new to Impact and I am working on my first game right now. There were a lot of questions at first but thanks to Google and this forum here I could answer most of them. Unfortunately, I am stumped now.
I am looking for a way to get an entity by its ID - and I haven't found a solution yet. Maybe you can help me?
More context: In the game, blocks are continually falling from the upper edge of the playing field. The player has to click on them, answer a question to make them disappear. There are three block sizes which I have defined in three entity files. The game spawns one of those three entities after a certain countdown.
The game checks over which one the player is hovering and executes a function. It's not working properly though. When I click on one block, another one disappears. That's why I want to get a certain element by ID.
Here's some code.
I'm fairly new to Impact and I am working on my first game right now. There were a lot of questions at first but thanks to Google and this forum here I could answer most of them. Unfortunately, I am stumped now.
I am looking for a way to get an entity by its ID - and I haven't found a solution yet. Maybe you can help me?
More context: In the game, blocks are continually falling from the upper edge of the playing field. The player has to click on them, answer a question to make them disappear. There are three block sizes which I have defined in three entity files. The game spawns one of those three entities after a certain countdown.
The game checks over which one the player is hovering and executes a function. It's not working properly though. When I click on one block, another one disappears. That's why I want to get a certain element by ID.
Here's some code.
kommentar: function(objekt) { var Animation = function() { animated = true; var r = $.Deferred(); var AnimationTimer = new ig.Timer(1); if (AnimationTimer.delta() < 0) { objekt.currentAnim = objekt.anims.kill; } else { AnimationTimer.reset(); } setTimeout(function() { r.resolve(); },1000); return r; }; var Kill = function() { objekt.kill(); animated = false; } Animation().done(Kill); }, update: function() { if (this.inFocus() == true && animated == false) { this.currentAnim = this.anims.hover; if (ig.input.pressed("leftButton")) { startTime = startTime; var zufall = Math.floor(Math.random()*ig.game.fragenkatalog1.length); box(ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].frage,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort1,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort2,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort1Wert,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort2Wert,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort3,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].antwort3Wert,ig.game.fragenkatalog1[zufall].name); //Hier werden die Parameter für die Box an das äußere JS übergeben //inFocus resetten ig.input.mouse.x = 0; ig.input.mouse.y = 0; } } else if (animated == false) { this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle; this.anims.kill.rewind(); } if (antwortRichtig == true) { this.kommentar(this); antwortRichtig = false; } this.parent(); },