I have been playing around a little with handleMovementTrace to resolve the tile position (not the tile value). If I detect a collision on the y axis it’s easy enough to work out the y tile position but how do I calculate the correct x position?.
For example if I have a ball entity hitting some collision tiles (breakout style) and the collision.y is true I can subtract / add based on velocity to calculate the offset and resolve the tile y position that has been hit. Maybe I am just having a bad day but I cannot seem to work out how to calculate the x position.
1 decade ago
by jswart
handleMovementTrace: function( res ) {
if( res.collision.x ) {
// do something
// Continue resolving the collision as normal
I understand how to detect the collision. I needed to work out the point of collision position for the x axis when the collision was detected on the y axis and vice versa.
So far I have come up with the following. As my entity is a little smaller that the tile size it makes it a little easier. Currently I do three checks (I only want one tile)
1) check if res.pos.x + (entity.x / 2) has a tile.
2) check if res.pos.x has tile.
3) check if res.pos.x + (tilesize) has a tile.
Code is below but it seems a bit of a kludge ! I was looking for a better solution.
handleMovementTrace:function (res) {
if (res.collision.y) {
var offsety = this.vel.y < 0 ? -1 : ig.game.collisionMap.y +1;
var offsetx = ig.game.collisionMap.getTile(res.pos.x + (this.size.x / 2), res.pos.y + offsety) ? (this.size.x / 2) : offsetx = ig.game.collisionMap.getTile(res.pos.x, res.pos.y + offsety) ? 0 : 32;
var health = ig.game.hMap.decreaseHealth((res.pos.x + offsetx), res.pos.y + offsety, 1);
if (health > 0 ) ig.game.sfxBrickHit.play();
if (health == 1) {
ig.game.blocksMap.setTile((res.pos.x + offsetx), res.pos.y + offsety, 0);
if (res.collision.x)
var offsetx = this.vel.x < 0 ? -1 : ig.game.collisionMap.tilesize.x +1;
var offsety = ig.game.collisionMap.getTile(res.pos.y + (this.size.y / 2), res.pos.x + offsetx) ? (this.size.y / 2) : offsety = ig.game.collisionMap.getTile(res.pos.x +offsetx, res.pos.y) ? 0 : 32;
var health = ig.game.hMap.decreaseHealth((res.pos.x + offsetx), res.pos.y + offsety, 1);
if (health > 0 ) ig.game.sfxBrickHit.play();
if (health == 1) {
ig.game.blocksMap.setTile((res.pos.x + offsetx), res.pos.y + offsety, 0);
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