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1 decade ago by salsa

Hey guys,

I create a entity like that:, data.x, data.y, {
            animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/player.png', 24, 24),
            nickname: data.nickname,
            name: 'MainPlayer',
            player_id: data.playerId,

And Im trying to change the entity image using a command like that..'MainPlayer').animSheet = new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/dead.png', 24, 24);

But the image doesnt change... :(
anybody know how I can load a new image in my Entity?

Thanks ;)

1 decade ago by tarrent

Hi, maybe you should preload the new animSheet rather than replacing it on-the-fly while your game runs. Maybe something like this should work:, data.x, data.y, {
  animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/player.png', 24, 24),
  // new animation sheet 
  newAnimSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/dead.png', 24, 24);
  nickname: data.nickname,
  name: 'MainPlayer',
  player_id: data.playerId,

Then call it as

var entity ='MainPlayer').animSheet = this.newAnimSheet;

And lastly don't forget to specify the currentAnim
entity.addAnim('idle', 0.1, [0]);
entity.currentAnim = entity.anims.idle;

I hope this helps ;)

1 decade ago by salsa

Thanks for reply tarrent...

im trying something like that:'MainPlayer').diePlease();

and on my entity:

    EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend({
        animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/player.png', 24, 24),
        deadSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/dead.png', 24, 24),
        collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.PASSIVE,
        init: function(x, y, settings){
            this.parent(x, y, settings);
            this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0]);

        diePlease: function(){
			this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0]);
            this.currentAnim = this.deadSheet;
        update: function(){

But I receive this error on console:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'update' entity.js:80

Do you know what ir wrong?

Thanks a lot ;)

1 decade ago by dominic

Animations and AnimationSheets are two different things. Animations use AnimationSheets to draw something.

If you define an Animation (with the Entity&039;s #addAnim() or new Animation(...)) it will use the .animSheet (or the one you hand it in the constructor) and will keep a "private" reference to that. So changing the Entity&039;s #.animSheet wont change the Animation itself.

The error you&039;re getting, is because you assigned an #AnimationSheet as the .currentAnim - which expects an Animation, not an AnimationSheet.

And to quote myself from another thread:

The entity&039;s #addAnim() function is just a shorthand for the ig.Animation constructor that always uses the .animSheet property of the entity.

To specify different animation sheets, use the ig.Animation constructor directly:
EntityTest = ig.Entity.extend({
	runAnimSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/run.png', 8, 8 ),
	idleAnimSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/idle.png', 8, 8 ),

	init: function( x, y, settings ) {
		this.parent( x, y, settings ); = new ig.Animation( this.runAnimSheet, 0.2, [0,1,2] );
		this.anims.idle = new ig.Animation( this.idleAnimSheet, 0.2, [0,1,2] );

1 decade ago by salsa

Thanks ... now I understand how to works ...
now i can call using:

this.currentAnim = new ig.Animation(this.deadSheet, 1, [0]);

thanks :)

1 decade ago by tarrent

@salsa: Hi, nice to see that you've got the Animations working correctly.
@dominic: Thanks for the direct feedback on Animation and AnimationSheets I understand them more clearly now.
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