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10 years ago by capgun

Hi guys, I've been following the 'getting started' tutorials over at

I'm trying to increase my projectile velocity to something larger than 200 but I can't seem to get my projectile moving any faster.

I've also set my user.config to:

    ENTITY: {
        MAX_VEL_X: 1200

This isn't achieving the desired result. Any help would be greatly appreciated, i'm seriously pulling my hair out over this one.

10 years ago by Joncom

Not sure how to solve this in Impact++.
However here's how you'd do it in vanilla Impact:

.defines(function() {

    EntityExample = ig.Entity.extend({
        maxVel: { x: 9999, y: 9999 },

        init: function(x, y, settings) {
            this.parent(x, y, settings);

        update: function() {

10 years ago by RockLeo

In addition to what Joncom said you have to set vel: {x: XXX,y: XXX} too.
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