1 decade ago by Sledge
So, I am trying to incorporate some realistic physics into my game. I am finding that when I do this it doesn't feel very 'gamey'. What I would like to do is use the default this.accel., this.vel. methods to move most things around, while utilizing box 2d to handle specific collisions between things like rockets, giblets, crates etc...
Has anyone here tried anything like this? Can anyone say if this is a viable approach? It's not clear to me from the documentation if you can mix and match like this. I am trying to make it work by fooling around with the various parameters. So far I have not been successful in finding a set of game parameters which balance the Box2D this.body.ApplyForce() type methods with the default game this.accel., this.vel. methods to manipulate the player entity in a sensible way.
I hope this is a coherent description of what I am trying to do, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!
Has anyone here tried anything like this? Can anyone say if this is a viable approach? It's not clear to me from the documentation if you can mix and match like this. I am trying to make it work by fooling around with the various parameters. So far I have not been successful in finding a set of game parameters which balance the Box2D this.body.ApplyForce() type methods with the default game this.accel., this.vel. methods to manipulate the player entity in a sensible way.
I hope this is a coherent description of what I am trying to do, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!