1 decade ago by maluslupus
Hi guys, I've just bought impact and been playing around.
Loving it so far, nice and easy to get started! (I'm new to HTML5 / canvas but not to web dev) but I have a question!
I've thrown together a very simple particle system partly from the example in "introuducing html5 game dev" - jesse freeman, a snippit from the a webpage (I think it was the clorwork.net chap actually) and partly from a little canvas tinkering I've learnt.
The problem I have is the FPS tanks when creating a few particles.
code is very basic:
the particle and sparks
how its called:
so just click the mouse and let it do its thing...
the problem is the drop in FPS
system lag -0.5 to -0.9 "resting state" and draw 2ms
as soon as just 1 lot of particles are created it shoots up to ~2ms
there are 127 entities
entity update can rise to 2 or more ms
Entity checks and collisions 2 to 4ms
Draw tops out at about 3ms
My system is a fully kitted out Alienware M14x r2 corei7
I played around with fade and "kill" times and reducing these really helped alot (as i expected they'll be less entities and things to draw etc), but doesn't really make for similar effects I've seen in other impactJS games.
so I think i've missed something here, or there is a major bottle neck?
if i place 5 of the spawnEntity in the main loop it drops to 50fps - so, can any of your coding geniuses shed any light for a noob??
much obliged chaps.
Loving it so far, nice and easy to get started! (I'm new to HTML5 / canvas but not to web dev) but I have a question!
I've thrown together a very simple particle system partly from the example in "introuducing html5 game dev" - jesse freeman, a snippit from the a webpage (I think it was the clorwork.net chap actually) and partly from a little canvas tinkering I've learnt.
The problem I have is the FPS tanks when creating a few particles.
code is very basic:
the particle and sparks
ig.module( 'game.entities.particle' ).requires( 'impact.entity' ).defines(function(){ EntityParticle = ig.Entity.extend({ // single pixel sprites size: { x:1, y:1 }, // particle will collide but not effect other entities type: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE, checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE, collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.LITE, // default particle lifetime & fadetime lifetime: 5, fadetime: 1, alpha: 255, colours : {r:0,g:0,b:0}, // particles will bounce off other entities when it collides minBounceVelocity: 0, bounciness: 1.0, friction: { x:0, y:0 }, init:function( x, y, settings ){ this.parent( x, y, settings ); // take velocity and add randomness to vel var vx = this.vel.x; var vy = this.vel.y; this.vel.x = vx; //(Math.random()*2-1)*vx; this.vel.y = (Math.random()*2-1)*vy; // init timer for fadetime this.idleTimer = new ig.Timer(); }, update: function() { // check if particle has exsisted past lifetime // if so, remove particle if(this.idleTimer.delta() > this.lifetime){ this.kill(); return; } // fade the particle effect using the aplha blend this.alpha = this.idleTimer.delta().map( this.lifetime - this.fadetime, this.lifetime, 1, 0 ); this.parent(); }, draw: function() { var c = ig.system.context; var s = ig.system.scale; var x = this.pos.x * s - ig.game.screen.x * s; var y = this.pos.y * s - ig.game.screen.y * s; var id = c.createImageData( 1, 1 ); var imgdata = id.data; imgdata[0] = this.colours.r; imgdata[1] = this.colours.g; imgdata[2] = this.colours.b; imgdata[3] = 255; c.putImageData( id, x, y ); c.restore(); } }); BlueSparks = EntityParticle.extend({ // shorter lifetime lifetime:2.0, fadetime: 1, // velocity value to be set vel: {}, gravityFactor: 1, // bounce a little less bounciness: 0.1, init:function( x, y, settings ){ this.vel = { x: (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1)*Math.random()*100, y: (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1)*Math.random()*100 }; // send to parent this.parent( x, y, settings ); this.colours = {r:0,g:0,b:Math.random()*255}; } }); });
how its called:
ig.module('game.entities.player') .requires('impact.entity','game.entities.particle') .defines ( function(){ EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend({ animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/tiles/test1.gif',32,32), size: {x:32,y:32}, offset: {x:4,y:4}, flip:false, accelGround: 100, friction: {x:600, y:1200}, maxVel: {x:300,y:300}, init: function(x,y,settings) { this.parent(x,y,settings); this.addAnim('idle',1,[1]); }, update: function() { var acclr = this.standing ? 0 : this.accelGround; if (ig.input.state('right')) { this.accel.x = acclr; this.flip = true; } else if (ig.input.state('left')) { this.accel.x = -acclr; this.flip = false; } else { this.accel.x = 0; } if (ig.input.state('up')) { this.accel.y = -acclr; } else if (ig.input.state('down')) { this.accel.y = acclr; } else this.accel.y = 0; if (ig.input.state('fire')) { for (var i=0;i<=20;i++){ ig.game.spawnEntity(BlueSparks,this.pos.x,this.pos.y); } } this.currentAnim.flip.x = this.flip; this.parent(); } }); } );
so just click the mouse and let it do its thing...
the problem is the drop in FPS
system lag -0.5 to -0.9 "resting state" and draw 2ms
as soon as just 1 lot of particles are created it shoots up to ~2ms
there are 127 entities
entity update can rise to 2 or more ms
Entity checks and collisions 2 to 4ms
Draw tops out at about 3ms
My system is a fully kitted out Alienware M14x r2 corei7
I played around with fade and "kill" times and reducing these really helped alot (as i expected they'll be less entities and things to draw etc), but doesn't really make for similar effects I've seen in other impactJS games.
so I think i've missed something here, or there is a major bottle neck?
if i place 5 of the spawnEntity in the main loop it drops to 50fps - so, can any of your coding geniuses shed any light for a noob??
much obliged chaps.