Here's what the XHR Requests look like from iOS:
xhr, {"readyState":0,
Here's what they look like in FF:
xhr {"statusText":"",
So clearly there's a problem making the XHR request. I'm not really sure why though. Here's the code I'm making the call with:
var url = URLStub + "tracker/q.aspx?swfid=" + SWFID + "&q=" + Data.join("~") + "&url=" + SourceUrl + "&" + Math.random() + "z";
console.log('send url', url);
if (XMLHttpRequest) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
console.log('xhr', JSON.stringify(xhr));
if("withCredentials" in xhr) {
console.log('withCredentials in xhr');
//trace("with xhr");"get", url, true)