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10 years ago by Oliver

Hi there
Im doing a game where i need to give a angle to the entities, to do that i'm using sugarbox2d. My problem is that when the entity has a angle, it is not drawn until the entire entity is on the screen. If i use the box2d.debug, the entity's contour is shown all the time, but the animation appears and disappears weirdly when the player gets closer or moves away from it (placing the entity to the edge of the screen)

10 years ago by Joncom

That's rather odd and shouldn't be happening.
Can you share your example so we can see it?
It'd be ideal if you removed all the code unrelated to this issue before sharing.

10 years ago by Oliver


This is the entity that is having the problem (yea this is really it)


EntityLibro = ig.Entity.extend({
	size: {x: 350, y:150},
	type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A,
	_wmBoxColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)',
	_wmDrawBox: true,
	animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/libro2.jpg', 350, 150 ),	
        isSensor: true,
	name: "libro",
	angulo: 0,

	init: function( x, y, settings ) {
		this.parent( x, y, settings );
		// = this;
		this.angle = this.angulo;
		this.addAnim( 'idle', 1, [0] );

	update: function() {
	draw: function() {
		this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
		this.currentAnim.angle = this.angulo;


as you can see, it does nothing. the rest of the entities are the camera that dominic shared in other post, the player that moves over the map and these "libro" entities.

10 years ago by Joncom

Thanks for sharing.

I was hoping though that you might include enough for a working demo. Maybe bake your game, or zip up an example I can add the Impact library to, so I can actually see the issue you're referring to.


10 years ago by Oliver

Oh ... my english isnt really good, i didnt get the idea

the main.js


MyGame = ig.Game.extend({
	font: new ig.Font( 'media/fuente.png' ),
		init: function() {
		this.loadLevel( LevelPruebas );
		ig.input.bind( ig.KEY.MOUSE1, 'movete' );
		ig.input.initMouse ();
	loadLevel: function( data ) {
		this.parent( data );
		var player ='player');
		this.currentLevel = data;
		if (player) {
			this.setupCamera( player );
	setupCamera: function( player ) { = new ig.Camera( ig.system.width/2, ig.system.height/3, 3 ); = ig.system.width/10; = ig.system.height/3; = ig.system.width/6; = this.collisionMap.pxWidth - ig.system.width; = this.collisionMap.pxHeight - ig.system.height; player );
	update: function() {
		var player ='player');
		if (player) { player );
	draw: function() {
ig.main( '#canvas', MyGame, 60, 800, 600, 1 );


the player.js

EntityPlayer = EntityCircle.extend({
	type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A,
	collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NEVER, // Collision is already handled by Box2D!
	animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/player2.png', 50, 50 ),	
	velocity: -800,
        radius: 25,
	isFixedRotation: true,        
	name: "player",
	vivo: true,
	juga: true,
	init: function( x, y, settings ) { = this;
		this.addAnim( 'die', 1, [0,1] );
		this.addAnim( 'idle', 1, [0] );
		this.parent( x, y, settings );
		this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
		this.zIndex = 1000;

	update: function() {
                this.vel.x = this.vel.x * 0.98
		this.vel.y = this.vel.y * 0.98
		if (this.vel.y < 0.5 && this.vel.y > -0.5) {
			this.vel.y = 0;
		if (this.vel.x < 0.5 && this.vel.x > -0.5) {
			this.vel.x = 0;
                angle = this.angleTo('mouse'));
		this.angle = angle;
		this.currentAnim.angle = this.angle;
                var equis = Math.cos(angle) * this.velocity;
                var igriega = Math.sin(angle) * this.velocity;
				if( ig.input.state('movete') && this.juga == true ) {
					this.body.ApplyForce( new Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2(equis,igriega), this.body.GetPosition() );
			this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;


this is libro.js

EntityLibro = ig.Entity.extend({
	size: {x: 350, y:150},
	type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A,
	_wmBoxColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)',
	_wmDrawBox: true,
	animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/libro2.jpg', 350, 150 ),	
        isSensor: true,
	name: "libro",
	angulo: 0,

	init: function( x, y, settings ) {
		this.parent( x, y, settings );
		// = this;
		this.angle = this.angulo;
		this.addAnim( 'idle', 1, [0] );

	update: function() {
	draw: function() {
		this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle;
		this.currentAnim.angle = this.angulo;


this is mouse.js
EntityMouse = ig.Entity.extend({
        _wmDrawBox: true,
	_wmScalable: true,
	_wmBoxColor: 'rgba(230, 28, 230, 0.7)',
        name: "mouse",
	isSensor: true,
	size: {x: 1, y:1},
        init: function( x, y, settings ) {
            this.parent(x, y, settings);
   = this;
	update: function()
            this.pos.x = ig.input.mouse.x +;
            this.pos.y = ig.input.mouse.y +;

this is dominic's camera.js:
.defines(function(){ "use strict";

ig.Camera = ig.Class.extend({
	trap: {
		pos: { x: 0, y: 0},
		size: { x: 16, y: 16 }
	max: { x: 0, y: 0 },
	offset: {x: 0, y:0},
	pos: {x: 0, y: 0},
	damping: 5,
	lookAhead: { x: 0, y: 0},
	currentLookAhead: { x: 0, y: 0},
	debug: false,
	init: function( offsetX, offsetY, damping ) {
		this.offset.x = offsetX;
		this.offset.y = offsetY;
		this.damping = damping;
    set: function( player ) {
		this.trap.pos.x = player.pos.x - this.trap.size.x / 2;
		this.trap.pos.y = player.pos.y + player.size.y - this.trap.size.y;

        this.pos.x = this.trap.pos.x - this.offset.x;
        this.pos.y = this.trap.pos.y - this.offset.y;
		this.currentLookAhead.x = 0;
		this.currentLookAhead.y = 0;
	follow: function( player ) {
		this.pos.x = this.move( 'x', player.pos.x, player.size.x );
		this.pos.y = this.move( 'y', player.pos.y, player.size.y ); = this.pos.x; = this.pos.y;
	move: function( axis, pos, size ) {
		var lookAhead = 0;
		if( pos < this.trap.pos[axis] ) {
			this.trap.pos[axis] = pos;
			this.currentLookAhead[axis] = this.lookAhead[axis];
		else if( pos + size > this.trap.pos[axis] + this.trap.size[axis] ) {
			this.trap.pos[axis] = pos + size - this.trap.size[axis];
			this.currentLookAhead[axis] = -this.lookAhead[axis];
		return (
			this.pos[axis] - (
				this.pos[axis] - this.trap.pos[axis] + this.offset[axis]
				+ this.currentLookAhead[axis]
			) * ig.system.tick * this.damping
		).limit( 0, this.max[axis] );
	draw: function() {
		if( this.debug ) {
			ig.system.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)';
				(this.trap.pos.x - this.pos.x) * ig.system.scale,
				(this.trap.pos.y - this.pos.y) * ig.system.scale,
				this.trap.size.x * ig.system.scale,
				this.trap.size.y * ig.system.scale


and this is the level pruebas.js:
ig.module( 'game.levels.pruebas' )
.requires( 'impact.image','game.entities.libro','game.entities.player','game.entities.mouse' )
LevelPruebasResources=[new ig.Image('media/fondo.png')];

I didn't copy the sugarbox2d packet, but im sure you allready have that part :P
I have theletted the unnecesary parts of code, so tellme if i messed it up.

10 years ago by Joncom

Could you please ZIP up the entire game, excluding the /lib/impact folder, and then upload it to Dropbox or ? The above is insufficient because there are images, etc. that I don't have.

10 years ago by Oliver

Here it is

I did some more tests, the problem hapends only when the entities are on the bottom of the screen, when they are on the top of the screen there is no problem.

10 years ago by Joncom

Looks like you found a bug!

10 years ago by Oliver

I want to burst out crying .... i hope it is just a drawing range error and dominic only has to change a number :(
I cant continue my project if i dont know for sure this is gonna be fixed.

10 years ago by Joncom

Does this fix your issue?

10 years ago by Oliver

Sadly no... it is doing something, but it is doing it worst hahaha, after the fix the entities where not being drawn until the original entity (widout the angle) was being shown at least with one pixel inside the screen, now that i am using the fix, it doesnt draw the entity until the entire entity is inside the screen. I'm messing around with your fix, but my brain isnt big enough to put it the right way.

10 years ago by Oliver

So.... if the entity's angle is positive, then the problem is magnified. But if the entity's angle is positive, then the problem is completly fixed.

10 years ago by Joncom

Try refreshing the page and downloading it again.
It should work this time.

10 years ago by Oliver

Man, i love you!!!

10 years ago by Joncom

Just happy it works :)
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