1 decade ago by Cavalier
Hi, I'm starting out a RTS using impact and I'd like to know where I can get a tutorial, tips or stuff like that.
This forum is read only and just serves as an archive. If you have any questions, please post them on github.com/phoboslab/impact
//Deadzone in pixels var dzonex = 30; var dzoney = 20; MyGame = ig.Game.extend({ //Inside update function if(ig.input.state('rclick')){ //Horizontal movement if (ig.input.mouse.x > (ig.system.width/2)) { if (ig.input.mouse.x > (ig.system.width/2)+dzonex) { //Check right border if (ig.game.screen.x < this.rightBorder -30){ ig.game.screen.x +=20; } else {//Avoid going out of bounds by setting back to this value ig.game.screen.x = this.rightBorder; } } } else { if (ig.input.mouse.x < (ig.system.width/2)-dzonex) { //Check left border if (ig.game.screen.x > 30){ ig.game.screen.x -=20; } else {//Avoid going out of bounds by setting back to this value ig.game.screen.x = 0; } } } //Vertical movement if (ig.input.mouse.y > (ig.system.height/2)) { if (ig.input.mouse.y > (ig.system.height/2)+dzoney) { //Check right border if (ig.game.screen.y < this.bottomBorder -30){ ig.game.screen.y +=20; } else {//Avoid going out of bounds by setting back to this value ig.game.screen.y = this.bottomBorder; } } } else { if (ig.input.mouse.y < (ig.system.height/2)-dzoney) { //Check left border if (ig.game.screen.y > 10){ ig.game.screen.y -=20; } else {//Avoid going out of bounds by setting back to this value ig.game.screen.y =0; } } }
ig.module('game.entities.player'). requires('impact.entity').defines( function() { //code EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend ({ animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet( 'media/charset/char1.png', 24, 32 ), maxVel: {x: 300, y: 300}, health:10, update: function(){ if (ig.input.pressed('lclick') && this.inFocus()) { console.log('clicked'); ig.log('clicked'); this.selected = true; } if (ig.input.state('lclick') && this.selected) { this.targetx = ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x; this.targety = ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y; console.log('posX = '+ this.pos.x + 'posX = '+ this.vel.x); console.log('posY = ' + this.targetx + ' - ' + this.targety); } this.distancetotargetx = this.targetx - this.pos.x - 24 ; this.distancetotargety = this.targety - this.pos.y - 32 ; if (this.distancetotargetx > 1 ){this.vel.x = 40;} if (this.distancetotargetx < 1){this.vel.x = -40;} this.parent; }, inFocus: function() { return ((this.pos.x <= (ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x)) && ((ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x) <= this.pos.x + this.size.x) && (this.pos.y <= (ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y)) && ((ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y) <= this.pos.y + this.size.y) )}, init: function(x, y, settings){ this.size.y = 32; this.size.x = 24; this.addAnim('idle',0.5, [0,1,2]); this.addAnim('walkleft',0.5, [0,1,2,1,3]); this.currentAnim = this.anims.idle; this.parent(x, y, settings); } }) });
showUnitFrames: function(){ ig.game.spawnEntity( EntityCheapGuyFrame, (this.pos.x + this.size.x)+4 , this.pos.y , {ownerBuilding: this}); ig.game.spawnEntity( EntityHeavyGuyFrame, (this.pos.x + this.size.x)+4 , this.pos.y + 18, {ownerBuilding: this} ); ig.game.spawnEntity( EntityFastGuyFrame, (this.pos.x + this.size.x)+4 , this.pos.y + 36, {ownerBuilding: this}); ig.global.selected=this; }
EntityUnitFrame = ig.Entity.extend({ size: {x: 16, y: 16}, type: 'unitFrame', //Ideally, use a single file for all unit frames, so they only overwrite trainTime and frame animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/charset/unitframes.png', 17, 17 ), ownerBuilding: 0, trainTime: 1, init: function( x, y, settings ) { this.parent( x, y, settings ); // Add the animations this.addAnim( 'cheap', 1, [0] ); this.addAnim( 'medium', 1, [1] ); this.addAnim( 'tank', 1, [2] ); this.addAnim( 'fast', 1, [3] ); this.addAnim( 'heavy', 1, [4] ); // Switch animations on Init this.currentAnim = this.anims[this.frame]; console.log('Owner Building: ' + this.ownerBuilding); }, inFocus: function() { return ((this.pos.x <= (ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x)) && ((ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x) <= this.pos.x + this.size.x) && (this.pos.y <= (ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y)) && ((ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y) <= this.pos.y + this.size.y) )}, trainUnit: function() { this.ownerBuilding.timer = new ig.Timer(this.trainTime); this.ownerBuilding.training = true; console.log('Training started! Building: ' + this.ownerBuilding); }, update: function() { if (ig.input.pressed('rclick')) { this.kill(); } if (ig.input.pressed('lclick')){ if (this.inFocus()){ //kills all unitFrames and starts training var frames = ig.game.entities; var len = frames.length; for(var i = 0;i<len;i++){ if ((frames[i].type=='unitFrame')){ frames[i].kill(); } } this.trainUnit(); } } this.parent(); } });
ig.module('game.entities.building') .requires('impact.entity', 'game.entities.SuperUnit', 'game.entities.HeavyGuy') .defines(function(){ EntityBuilding = ig.Entity.extend({//... //Error messages ▼ Uncaught Module 'game.entities.heavyGuy' is already defined impact.js:234 Uncaught Unresolved (circular?) dependencies. Most likely there's a name/path mismatch for one of the listed modules: game.main (requires: game.levels.test1) game.levels.test1 (requires: game.entities.building) game.entities.building (requires: game.entities.HeavyGuy) impact.js:348
ig.module( 'game.entities.pointer' ) .requires( 'impact.entity' ) .defines(function() { EntityPointer = ig.Entity.extend({ name: 'pointer', checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.A, size: {x:1, y:1}, isClicking: false, update: function() { // Update the position to follow the mouse cursor. this.pos.x = ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x; this.pos.y = ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y; this.screenX = ig.input.mouse.x; this.screenY = ig.input.mouse.y; if (ig.input.pressed('click')) { //Save the co-ord of where you initially clicked //Allows you to drag and compare to initial click location this.clickLocX = this.pos.x; this.clickLocY = this.pos.y; } }, check: function( other ) { // User is clicking and the 'other' entity has a 'clicked' function? if( ig.input.state('click') && typeof(other.clicked) == 'function' ) { other.clicked(); } } }); });
clicked: function() { //Add your click code here, this is an example of what I use this.selected = true; }
inFocus: function() { return ((this.pos.x <= (ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x)) && ((ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x) <= this.pos.x + this.size.x) && (this.pos.y <= (ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y)) && ((ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y) <= this.pos.y + this.size.y) )}, update: function(){ if ('leftclick' && this.inFocus) { //this was clicked over } //without the left click, it'll enter whenever you hover the mouse over said entity }
movement: function(){ if( this.destinationx < 9999999 && this.destinationy < 9999999 ) { // Accounts for center of character's collision area this.distancetotargetx = this.destinationx - (this.pos.x + (this.size.x/2)); this.distancetotargety = this.destinationy - (this.pos.y + (this.size.y/2)); if( Math.abs(this.distancetotargetx) > 3 || Math.abs(this.distancetotargety) > 3 ) { if( Math.abs(this.distancetotargetx) > Math.abs(this.distancetotargety) ) { // Move right if( this.distancetotargetx > 0.6 ) { this.vel.x = this.speed; this.xydivision = this.distancetotargety / this.distancetotargetx; this.vel.y = this.xydivision * this.speed; this.currentAnim = this.anims.right; }else { // Move left this.vel.x = -this.speed; this.xydivision = this.distancetotargety / Math.abs(this.distancetotargetx); this.vel.y = this.xydivision * this.speed; this.currentAnim = this.anims.left; } }else { // Move down if( this.distancetotargety > 0.6 ) { this.vel.y = this.speed; this.xydivision = this.distancetotargetx / this.distancetotargety; this.vel.x = this.xydivision * this.speed; }else { // Move up this.vel.y = -this.speed; this.xydivision = this.distancetotargetx / Math.abs(this.distancetotargety); this.vel.x = this.xydivision * this.speed; } } }else { this.vel.y = 0; this.vel.x = 0; this.destinationx = 99999999; this.destinationy = 99999999; } } },
inside your unit class' update(), outside any if conditions. if (ig.input.pressed('lclick')){ this.destinationx = ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x; this.destinationy = ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y; }
039;ve managed to make the selected units form straight lines of 6. If their collision is set to #ACTIVE
, you'll see some pushing here and there. Mine's are passive as of nowmoveAll:function(){ var leader = ig.global.selected[0]; var distx = leader.destinationx - (leader.pos.x + (leader.size.x/2)); var disty = leader.destinationy - (leader.pos.y + (leader.size.y/2)); var mousePosy = (ig.input.mouse.y + ig.game.screen.y); var mousePosx = (ig.input.mouse.x + ig.game.screen.x); var line = 0; var evenNumber = true; var coluna = 0; for (var j = 0; j < ig.global.selected.length ; j++) { var current = ig.global.selected[j]; var posicao = 0; if (coluna > 5){coluna = 0; line++;} if (Math.abs(distx) > Math.abs(disty) ) { //6 posições Y diferentes posicao = (current.size.y * coluna); /*The below IF is optional, it serves to put the leader in the middle and each unit to the left/right of his position*/ if (evenNumber) {posicao = posicao * (-1); evenNumber = false;} else {evenNumber = true;} current.destinationy = mousePosy - posicao; current.destinationx = leader.destinationx - ((current.size.x + 6) * line); } else { //6 posições X posicao = (current.size.y * coluna) + 8; if (evenNumber) {posicao = posicao * (-1); evenNumber = false;} else {evenNumber = true;} current.destinationx = mousePosx - posicao; current.destinationy = leader.destinationy - ((current.size.y + 4) * line); } coluna++; } },
generateMap: function(rows, columns){ var maparray = []; var rowarray = []; var colmaprow = []; var colmap = []; var tilefactor = 2; var tilesize = 32; var collision = 0; this.mapheight = 50; this.mapwidth = 50; for (var y = 0; y < this.mapheight; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < this.mapwidth; x++) { if ((y > 0 && y < this.mapheight - 1) && rowarray.length > 0 && rowarray.length < this.mapwidth - 1) { var tile = Math.random(); if (tile > 0.89) { //Collision background collision = 1; tile = 2+tilefactor; } else { //Not collision collision = 0; tile = 1+tilefactor; } rowarray.push(tile); colmaprow.push(collision); } else { //Borders are black with collisions rowarray.push(0); colmaprow.push(1); } } maparray.push(rowarray); colmap.push(colmaprow); var rowarray = []; var colmaprow = []; } this.collisionMap = new ig.CollisionMap( tilesize, colmap ); var bgmap = new ig.BackgroundMap( tilesize, maparray, this.maptile ); this.backgroundMaps.push(bgmap); //I use these for map scrolling boundaries, so the camera doesn't stray away this.rightBorder = ig.game.backgroundMaps[1].pxWidth - ig.system.width; this.bottomBorder = ig.game.backgroundMaps[1].pxHeight - ig.system.height; ig.global.rightBorder = ig.game.backgroundMaps[1].pxWidth - ig.system.width; ig.global.bottomBorder = ig.game.backgroundMaps[1].pxHeight - ig.system.height; },
//Inside the update function if (ig.input.state('zoom out')) { //Change to 1 for 'zoom in' in a different if statement zoomLevel = 0.5; for( var i in ig.Image.cache ) { ig.Image.cache[i].resize( zoomLevel ); } this.resize(); };
resize: function() { ig.system.resize(320 / zoomLevel,480 / zoomLevel, zoomLevel); this.draw(); },
ig.Image.inject({ resize: function( scale ) { if( !this.loaded ) { return; } if( !this.scaleCache ) { this.scaleCache = {}; } if( this.scaleCache['x'+scale] ) { this.data = this.scaleCache['x'+scale]; return; } // Retain the original image when scaling this.origData = this.data = this.origData || this.data; if( scale > 1 ) { // Nearest neighbor when zooming in this.parent( scale ); } else { // Otherwise blur var scaled = ig.$new('canvas'); scaled.width = Math.ceil(this.width * scale); scaled.height = Math.ceil(this.height * scale); var scaledCtx = scaled.getContext('2d'); scaledCtx.drawImage( this.data, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0, 0, scaled.width, scaled.height ); this.data = scaled; } this.scaleCache['x'+scale] = this.data; } });
if (ig.input.state('zoom in')) { if(zoomLevel <= 0.975) { zoomLevel += 0.025; } else { zoomLevel = 1; } for( var i in ig.Image.cache ) { ig.Image.cache[i].resize( zoomLevel ); } this.resize(); }; if (ig.input.state('zoom out')) { if(zoomLevel >= 0.275) { zoomLevel -= 0.025; } else { zoomLevel = 0.25; } for( var i in ig.Image.cache ) { ig.Image.cache[i].resize( zoomLevel ); } this.resize(); };