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1 decade ago by Brianai

Hello All!

I am helping to build a game with Impact that stretches the typical presentation quite far. On desktop/screen the game and functionality work fine, but on mobile I have this issue:

An html5 movie is played, then the game loads canvas on top of the html page. Once the player completes the level, and interstitial screen is shown with a movie as a background. At this point html elements are shown ontop of the canvas, but on mobile something is preventing the user from scrolling the page, and taking the next action.

Is there a way to toggle between Impact and HTML? OR, is there a way to properly unload the game and restore typical browser function?

This affects ipad/tablets and smart phones. Any help would be much appreciated ;)

1 decade ago by stillen

is this video playing in impact as an entity or just an HTML video? I've had some issues with video on mobile because at least on the iPhone & iPad the movie isn't played the same way as in the browser. I lose access to the video entity but can interact with the movie.

I know in default canvas CSS when you download impact, the canvas element is absolute and centered, this could be an issue as well if you didn't adjust it for your needs.

Depending on how your page is set up, you could also display:none the canvas so it's hidden then display:block it back.

1 decade ago by Brianai

So far I have the video stuff figured out (multiple fallback hell), but the screen is still locked after the game is played. Is there any way to re-enable scrolling after game load?
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