
190 Posts, registered 1 decade ago


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Recent Posts

8 years ago in snipping tool:

If you can get the base64 encoded image data, you can reimport that back into t…

8 years ago in snipping tool:

You can capture the image of game canvas and set it as a base64 encoded string.…

8 years ago in snipping tool:

You can have the user upload/drag and drop an image into your game. From there…

8 years ago in Grappling Hook, how to?:

Any luck with this? There have been a few posts about rope with physics. Th…

8 years ago in Advice on launching a website dedicated to game?:

Depends on the scope of your site and plan really. If you just want to put a s…

9 years ago in Ejecta - touch-button help.:

I would check the following: - Check the rotation settings. The game could be…

9 years ago in Infinite Runner plugin:

One way I got around this was I set the farthest background outside the level e…

10 years ago in Is Impact right for me?:

I have successfully made 3 iPhone games, a PSN Mobile game and had a game on a …

10 years ago in Any interest in weltmeister in atom-shell?:

How is this different from making a Node-Webkit version. I was able to port on…

10 years ago in Draw some entities behind some background maps:

I know you can draw layers above the entries layer in the map editor. I do tha…

10 years ago in Help on pile of rocks blocking player:

The effect looks pretty cool.

10 years ago in Ejecta: How to disable autocorrection or change keyboard type:

I dont think you can actually change this in how ejecta handles the keyboard. …

10 years ago in Help on pile of rocks blocking player:

Couldn't you have the rocks fall with no collision at all. When they are …

10 years ago in Replay system?:

I was only saving the last 15 seconds, with 1 image/per second, so essentially …

10 years ago in Replay system?:

You could go in a really different direction too. I did something similar for …

1 decade ago in Ejecta VS WKwebview:

Been busy with other projects, so I haven't had been here for awhile, but …

1 decade ago in integrating facebook with impact js games for ios?:

What's the timeline on your game? I've been looking into hacking F…

1 decade ago in Ejecta: Open local HTML file (in browser): This will open any app that …

1 decade ago in ejecta and iad = FSP low ? freez and game lagging !!!:

I have the same issue with older phones. I have noticed this on other apps as w…

1 decade ago in Bluetooth:

Interesting. That could be a cool project to try to find out how to make wor…

1 decade ago in Bluetooth:

Don't you connect your BT device to the phone, not the app? I have bluet…

1 decade ago in load another level at runtime?:

This plugging would work.…

1 decade ago in Ejecta - Disabling WebGL For Older Devices:

It's Xcode 5, not iOS 5. Min in 4.33 according to apple compiled with Xco…

1 decade ago in Ejecta and XCode:

Are you using the link from the forum or the github? The github one doesn'…

1 decade ago in SpacePanix on iPhone:

Simple game I made for the iPhone. This started as a mini game in a much large…

1 decade ago in Ejecta - Disabling WebGL For Older Devices:

Can you submit apps that are built for 4.3.3?

1 decade ago in Ejecta - Disabling WebGL For Older Devices:

To avoid this, I set the minimum iOS version to 5. This prevents older devices…

1 decade ago in Ejecta & Error - need help:

I think the problem is there is no dom in ejecta, so there is no parent node to…

1 decade ago in Simple Ejecta Debug Example:

if you have the phone connected to Xcode, the error log is visible in Xcode whe…

1 decade ago in Graphics Big In Ejecta, But Small In Safari:

This works for me: ## if( window.ejecta ){ ig.main( '#canvas', T…