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1 decade ago by SalteMishel

Hi All,

ig.input.bind( ig.KEY.UP_ARROW, 'jump' );

If there a way to track the input key or name such as 'jump' or ig.KEY.UP_ARROW
to be used in switch case? Thanks

1 decade ago by Joncom

What would be the purpose of using the "jump" event with a switch-case?

Why wouldn't you just say:
/* your-entity.js */
update: function () {
    if(ig.input.state('jump')) {


1 decade ago by SalteMishel

Hi Joncom,

That's because I have 26 alphabets to take care of and I need a way to get reference to the input key's name either 'jump' or ig.KEY.UP_ARROW
I might not even be using switch case you can imagine that I needed something like a keyboard and typing. like
and some other actions


1 decade ago by Joncom

Take a look at input.js at how the state function works. I believe it accesses an array or object you could loop through to capture inputs in a more "bulk" fashion than the simple "if-key-is-down-do-this" method.
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