1 decade ago by Robodude
The project I'm working on requires entities (the red triangle in the upper left) to be tied to the correct collision map sloped tile. Right now, I manually placed the collision triangle in the right spot within WM to make the 'effect' work.

1 decade ago by StuartTresadern
Hi, The collision tiles are numbered the same as all other tilesheets, starting at 1 from the top left , increment by one from left to right top to bottom). 0 = no tile.
You can use getTile and setTile to read and change the value: http://impactjs.com/documentation/class-reference/map just pass in the tile number you want with setTile and then set the tile back to 0 to remove it.
You can use getTile and setTile to read and change the value: http://impactjs.com/documentation/class-reference/map just pass in the tile number you want with setTile and then set the tile back to 0 to remove it.
1 decade ago by Robodude
Awesome! Thank you very much :)
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